Saturday, September 11, 2021

[DD] BIGG September Ahead?

It's been a rocky summer, broken promises and lack of news are keeping everybody wondering what's next for our BIGG underdog.

This ain't financial advice, but definitely quality hopium. Read on:

Since the Q1 announcement of the 100k DeFi Ventures Inc. placement, which seemed like nothing until it gained traction when daddy O'Leary decided to bet on it, WonderFi picked up some some momentum thanks to some bigg big partnerships with quality grassroots marketing social media influencers.

I see some potential to get BIGG into a new level which could set us to the big leagues ending into joining the NASDAQ league. It's kind of like Bitcoin TA right now, time is of the essence and some signs are painting a decent picture of what the future could look like.

↪️Some WonderFi Investor Deck visuals to justify my hypothesis:

WonderFi's Investor Deck - Updated Sept '21

WonderFi App Launch Planned for September

There are some solid connections but acknowledge that we are not the only one playing in the crypto sandbox in Canada/North America, and the Wonderfi Management is connected to many bigger platforms in the ecosystem (Circle, Galaxy to name a couple). Ultimately, it will come to BCSC/CSA Licensing to be granted, but we could see BIGG/Netcoins becoming a solid part of WonderFi's canadian operations.

\WonderFi's App interface so far reminds me a lot of Netcoins.*

BIGG Investor Deck Updated September '21

Good timing that BIGG also just updated their own Investor Deck and announced a bunch of investor event dates to come. Newly listed are Netcoins Pay and Yield/Savings services, which would make sense to kickoff while announcing a partnership and benefit of the momentum WonderFi has generated for itself!

↪️Lastly, leadership steadily keeps on buying shares since the CTO was lifted in July.

• Mitch Demeter: +9k

• Kim Evans (BIGG CFO): +13k

• Lance Morginn (BIG President): +34.5k

• Mark "Hopium Master" Binns: +67k

\The +500k options they each received is likely part of their compensation package, as per the STATEMENT OF EXECUTIVE COMPENSATION BIGG Issued in 2019. Mitch needs to pump up them numbers, but I think he's loaded on crypto since that's his playground.*

/Hopium over.

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