Sunday, October 3, 2021

In the event of a CME

I have a subject that I believe should be brought to attention, and will definitely concern every single one of you. What will happen to Bitcoin when the sun decides it’s a good idea to smack us with a decent dose of magnetic radiation? What I mean is, what happens when we get hit by a coronal mass ejection? I assume this would be catastrophic. Will we lose all our Bitcoin? The last time earth was hit by a CME was the Carrington event in 1859 which severely damaged telegraph systems worldwide. In more frightening news, we missed one in 2012 by just 9 days. I’m too lazy to source, but according to some astrophysicist, the chance of one hitting earth in the next decade ranges between 1.2-12%. That’s a pretty decent chance considering that my stash is on the line!

Edit: this is not a personal attack on Bitcoin. I am asking a serious question and expecting a serious answer. Jesus, I had no idea Bitcoin had such a cult following that a concerned question offends people.

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