Sunday, December 26, 2021

Would this be a good idea?

So this Christmas I celebrated with everybody in the house and something pretty profound happened that gave me a good idea.

Everybody was out back sitting around the grill because this is Florida and Christmas barbecues are a thing here. The sky was cloudless, perfectly clear, and the stars were out, and I was looking while everyone was talking. Everybody got up to see what the hell I was looking that, and then transpired a half-hour long astronomy lesson that I had given people ranging from little kids to 40-somethings among us. I had to explain the basic constellations, like Orion, because none of them knew what they were. The sister of one of my roommates who's older than I am didn't know what Orion was -- when I asked how they didn't know they said that they were never taught anything about astronomy in the schools here, and when I pointed it out and explained to them, she had such awe and wonder about her that it gave me an idea.

Like, if I could show my roommates and their families stuff about the stars and a simple explanation was enough to put them in a state of holy fucking flabbergasted wonderment about the universe, and if showing them what Stellarium was and how to get it on their phones could help them continue to stargaze on their own, how come there isn't an organization running around doing that everywhere?

And so the gears in my head have been turning about starting a group to correct the serious gaps in education that apparently everybody around me is suffering in terms of astronomy by:

1) Hosting spontaneous viewing events in public places on a Friday or Saturday night where there are tons of people out and it's dark enough to see the Moon or Mars or what-have-you

2) Buying or making some inflatable planetariums, getting some of those neat star projector things you can get on Amazon, and having the nerdiest amongst us host viewings at schools, churches, at festivals or events in the daytime while waiting for sunset to bring out the scopes, all that good stuff.

I would want it to be all ages so that kids' parents could come into the planetarium too, or kids could look through the telescopes along with their parents presuming families would be outside somewhere at night as doubtful as that may be outside of an event or something.

I thought that all I would need are a few friends who are just as passionate about this sort of thing who'd be willing to volunteer time and gas to truck cheap Walmart telescopes to downtown areas and to our local parks and such. We could hustle for tips during viewings, pimp out the org's website where people could donate through Paypal or give Bitcoin or something, etc. Maybe make a deal with the Stellarium devs or something.

Would this be a good idea? I have no idea how we would measure progress in terms of educating people.

Here's the question I have though: how the hell would I find volunteers in the age of the might 'rona? I actually looked around for other astronomy clubs thinking people were already doing this and most of them have had their events cancelled until further notice. I mean, I could just go out and buy a telescope from Walmart and set it up one night with some signage just to see if people would be interested, but I'd need more than one person to make it grow.

So would this be a good idea? How would one find volunteers for something like this in Biden's America?

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