Friday, March 4, 2022

Lighthouse and dynamic loot has completely destroyed the uniqueness of every map in the game

With the addition of Lighthouse there is no real reason to play any other map in the game.

Prior to the dynamic loot changes and Lighthouse each map had a unique feel to it that brought players to them.

Customs - the map every new player learns the basics on, great for pvp and marked room contained high value loot with a chance to get very rare items - labs cards, containers, valuable tech spawns. Reshala and the boys are a good challenge for new players.

Now: marked room key has no cool containers, the labs cards are gone. Hardly ever find good loot here. Customs raids consist of questing Timmys and bored Chads. The good loot is gone. You only come here to shit on SKS paca boys with your Mutant.

Factory: PVP heaven, fuck all for loot here but its fun to fuck on.

Now: People are here to begrudgingly get early quests done and drop Labs access cards to their friends and get out ‘cause you can’t flea ‘em anymore. Occasionally you’ll run into the ASH12 rat looking for Tagil—nevermind. Dead to naked with a cheap shotgun and flechette. Again.

Shoreline: Sick Resort PVP with tons of good loot behind locked doors. Lots of frustrated Customs mains reluctantly doing PMC runs doing quests and looking for Sanitar.

Now: Cheese the shitty AI at night to get cultist loot. The GPUs and LEDX are gone. At least the labs cards still spawn here. But where the fuck did the loot go? Guess I’ll just loot these same med bags and PC blocks that are on every other map. A group run at Resort barely gets 1 PMC loaded bow. Oh, Sanitar and the boys are hacker.exe. Hope you cheesed em when the Christmas event was going on and got your quest done.

Labs: Hackers, chads, dank keycard loot, raiders. RAIDER. LOOT.

Now: Gated behind Lv4 Therapist and scav mains who have a keycard holder full of labs access cards they’re afraid to use due to flea changes. The loose loot (LEDXs…) is pretty amazing here now but theres nothing here that isnt already on all the other maps, especially Lighthouse. Labs is in a decent place this wipe actually if it wasn’t for the fact that Red card room loot is FUCKING ATROCIOUS. I find better loot inside the bunkroom on Customs. COME ON.

Interchange: Fast and furious rush to the tech stores for GPUs. Killa’s somewhere in there but he’s farmable and has that sick helmet and chest armor thats fun to use. Make sure to get out with the secret underground exit with a moonshine maybe a bitcoin to avoid those dogshit extract campers.

Now: Where the fuck is Killa? Like seriously, where is he? Good thing I have a quest to kill him ONE HUNDRED TIMES. He’s cracked out like the droves of aimbotting TOZ scavs btw. BTW, the tech stores don’t have good loot anymore. Enjoy your CPUs, lightbulbs and occasional Tetriz. You have better luck randomly finding a GPU in all the PC blocks that are on every other map. Gotta play like a rat and scurry around the dark back offices near Idea Goshan and Oli to find GPUs cause they sure as shit ain’t at Tech Light no mo. Oh btw Ultra Med, one of the rarest keys in the game. No high value spawns there anymore. Kiba’s alright, but make sure to take the 11SR exit and grab your horse figurine on your way out to avoid all of the vacuum loot cheaters running around on this map. Interchange is in a fucking sorry state. Fucks sake.

Reserve: Raiders. GLUHAR. Boxes of good ammo and nades. Guns on racks. 3 goddamn marked rooms with chances to get containers and rare tech loot. The only place to find an AESA, a big super valuable item you only need a few of. Theres tons of unique mil tech loot like Virtexes, Iridium, RFID and VPXes, MCBs, etc loose loot spawns and loot behind locked doors at dome and such. Lots of Intel and cool shit in the filing cabinets.

Now: Raiders are BROKEN and almost harder to fight than real cheaters. Good luck with Gluhar and his M1A, dude must have reupped his hacks this wipe. Dude’s cracked. Grats to anyone who gets out with his shit. So they made the fun ammo craftable and FIR only this wipe? Cool. Guess I’ll grab by PPBS 9x19, m61, m995 and igolnik at Reserve. The MILITARY base. Except… its just endless boxes of 7.62 PS and PRS rounds. Sick. The marked rooms are as depressing as Dorms marked. No Intelligence folders anywhere. Havent found a single one this wipe. The jackets and filing cabinets have fuck all in them now, especially no green batteries, so that tetriz/battery barter for Mechanic is a fuckin’ scam. Most importantly: WHERE IS ALL THE MIL TECH LOOT AT? ITS FUCKING GONE! Er wait actually its all at lighthouse. Where you can find 2-3 AESAs per raid. Theres seriously no fucking reason to run Reserve unless youre bored. Go play lighthouse. I’m convinced all the Reserve loot is at lighthouse now.

Woods: Shturmann. Cultists at night. Sniping/long range pvp. Lotsa food spawns!

Now: I gotta admit. Woods is pretty sick this wipe. But really only because its the only map “dynamic loot” seems to be working properly on simply because there really hasn’t been any reason to loot anything unless your hunting for a good double tab from ya boy Shturrman.

Lighthouse is effectively all the maps at once, but split in two halves. Its a big ass map, but the water treatment area is mostly budget kit gamers cheesing the buggy as fuck Rogue AI to get easy loot and exit the raid looking like theyre fresh out of Labs on repeat. People who don’t know how to do that may venture over there for a quest or to say hi to the cracked Rogues that beam you with MGs at 350m. For most players, Rogues are effectively just a loot delivery vehicle for no risk high reward droves of little player scavs that spawn in 0.5 sec after the raid starts to vacuum up some dumbass dead PMC’s kit and run 5 feet to the nearest scav extract, of which there are about 100 of. The other half of Lighthouse contains a RIDICULOUS amount of loot that even Labs is jealous of. ASEAs everywhere, all of the mil tech loot from Reserve, all of the GPUs lying around in random boxes. Just go in with a pistol and a huge ass bag and hope you don’t get domed by Simba camping on Pride Rock overlooking Merin car.

Fuck I hate this new map and how it’s stolen the uniqueness from all of the other maps in the game. There really is no reason to play any of the other maps. It is THE best map BY FAR for loot.

I wish Interchange stores actually had gpus

I wish Reserve was the only place to get cool unique mil tech loot like power filters and AESAs again.

I wish the bullets and nades you find here were worth picking up.

I wish Shoreline was the place to hunt for LEDXes and bitcoins and cultists

I wish Labs card rooms were worth the insane price you pay for them

I wish Dorms on Customs was actually worth fighting over again

I wish Lighthouse Rogues were not easily cheesed but at the same time fucking ridiculously challenging and un fun to fight in a conventional manner. I wish all the new items like Bulbex cutters, Pipe wrench, Military corrugated hoses, etc were the draw for this map and all the AESAs and GPUs and bitcoins that used to be so fun to find were found on the OTHER maps.

TL;DfuckingR: Lighthouse and dynamic loot have sucked all the fun out of the game for me. Its a shame because I LOVE the flea market changes and inertia, but the fact I feel like theres only 1 meaningful map to play on (honestly its only half a map considering the other half is aimbot AI, landmines and player scavs) … it just SUCKS man. This game sucks.

Thanks for coming to my TED talk

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