Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Fantasy Coin FXXX - Red Light Planet

Fantasy is the city of erotic dreams opened to the 19 themed sector. Each sector is made up of stars living in red lighted window apartments and attracting you to your own fantasies. Once inside, you'll discover that these are not just circles, but portals to the fantastic worlds that will take you where you want to go. Can you find the way out? Do you want to get lost in your own seamless adventure?

The visitors watched the erotic content offered by brands trying to attract you to their region and won the ın FANTASY çek award. Browse billboards and store the windshield, trigger the content, and win prizes when you're busy. Go shopping, shopping through the obstacles that guide your fantasies and your mind - and then go back to FANTASY.

Fantasy also has an integrated œadult, choose your own adventure story world where you're a star. The story is the reason why the city of red light dives into its existence and experience. Impressive, fancy money owners have a way to make more money.

Red-lighted window rings in each fantasy zone serve as drag and drop content channels (or imaginable channels) for brands and capabilities. FXXX has won awards for fans who come here and experience their content. Each brand has its own FXXX token for the support of its fans. The apartments are the portals of all the entertainment worlds that brands and talents have. When fans get enough, they can access or gain access to these premium content and worlds.

Both the Gazecoin (GZE) and the Ethereum (ETH) will be accepted at land purchase or Fxxx. If you purchase land / Fxxx using Gaze Coin and register to the White list based on the discount date, you automatically earn 30% bonus. If you have purchased land / Fxxx using Ethereum or bitcoin, this will not automatically earn a bonus.

This is really up to you and your own skill and effort. It's up to you to choose the terrain you think will produce the most traffic. You can turn your land into anything you want. A plot you believe will be density of traffic, etc. make an offer for.

Set up the most amazing sauna, Red Light cinema complex, erotic art museum - or other gripping / AR worlds where you can shoot oysters. Then you can Market Your Land and trade in our Fantasy real estate marketplace (I) collect income sharing in all transactions!

The city has a business model focused on a built-in 'perspective' interaction. Transactions that occur before or outside most of them earn an 8% income share for the owner. This allows adult stars and brands to sit back and use your property, and lets you win without lifting your finger! (II) giving an ERC 721 lease token that can rent trips to your apartments.

This gives the holder the right to use / fill the property with content. This model makes the fantasy rental model uninterrupted (III) freemium business model FANTASY red light district has a "freemium" business model. All "red light windows" apartments feature a free section where visitors earn FXXX for the time they enter the trailer. Switching from the VIP entrance door to the 'premium zone' requires the user to earn enough money.

Once you step in, they spend 1 FXXX per minute (this is set on volume and demand). When they run out, they need to win more FXXX, or they can buy what they need from GazeCoin WA.

bounty0x username: germandivision

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