Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Feature Request: Bitcoin.com wallet

Pinging /u/memorydealers. I don't know another avenue to ask this, so I'm doing it on reddit. Apologies to all for the inconvenience.

FEATURE REQUEST: Please allow import of raw private key into Bitcoin.com wallet. Please support the common key export formats from other wallets, like Core-derived wallets (ABC/BU) and Electron Cash, etc.

The use-case for me is to manage my local.bitcoin.com wallet from my phone. Easier to keep track of it, fund it, etc.

In fact, seems like would be good if the Bitcoin.com wallet integrated into *.bitcoin.com services seamlessly. UX is key for adoption, IMO.


PS: I believe your wallet can send/receive "twice as fast" as now, from a UX perspective by simple alteration of payment workflow.

By altering your payment workflow from authorize -> build -> sign -> broadcast to build -> sign -> authorize -> broadcast.

You can be pre-build and pre-sign the transaction in the background as the phone is doing the screen transitions and awaiting fingerprint/password. Once authorized, the transaction can be instantly broadcast.

From a users perspective, the physical authorization and receive events will look near instant. Good for photo ops.

NOTE: if you do perform this optimization on your wallet, please ensure your devs place the pre-built transaction in a region of secure memory on the device. This is to prevent the (unlikely) attack of malware reading the app's memory to get a copy of the unauthorized but signed transaction. Very low risk and unlikely attack.

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