Sunday, April 19, 2020

Why are these things not mutually exclusive?

Tell me why I shouldn't YOLO my entire portfolio on FAANG/TSLA Puts first thing Monday morning?

Amazon/netflix/zoom are all through the roof because people have already priced in the "rumor" that everyone staying at home will cause these companies to have increased revenue. This is all happening ahead of earnings so it's already being priced in.

What doesn't make sense to me, is how you can justify these all time highs on Amazon or Netflix, but at the same time assume the markets will continue to pump as a result of the economy reopening.

If the economy reopens, doesn't that almost entirely destroy the logic of why these FAANG stocks are pumping?

I know I know, you're going to tell me that this event will have increased adoption rates going forward. You're probably right, BUT doesn't it seem like that shit has already been priced in when a chart of Amazon looks like bitcoin on it's way to 20k?


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