Saturday, September 12, 2020

An Open Letter to the Cryptocurrency Community

When seeking assistance, I tend not to think about this community specifically. This letter is not directed at anyone specifically, but generally to anyone using cryptocurrency. At bare minimum, I hope this letter sparks conversation about the future as a community, and where we go from here. Through our highs, and our lows.

Today, I write to you from a low point in my life. Cryptocurrency improved my life, changed the way I think about assets, and how blockchain could improve on transparency of non-profit organizations. But today, I realize what is missing in the cryptocurrency space. Stimulus. Encouragement. Relief. A shoulder to lean on. Peer-to-peer transactions on a proof-of-work blockchain does not inherently provide this anymore. Proof-of-work typically is not profitable on an individual basis with the cost of electricity out weighing the reward. Proof of stake, still only provides so much, requiring capital to invest for a consistent modest return. Distributed Ledger Technology even, still needs some type of investment to create value and scarcity. The rich get richer.

I began to invest in crypto years ago. I don't remember when, but approximately around the 2017 bubble. I missed out when reading about it early into its conception, around when Bitcoin was around $250.00 each. When I found it, I was looking for money. I needed it to make sure my bills were paid, and I could eat. But at the time, I thought to myself, "that does nothing for me" and shrugged it off. I eventually, after a couple of crap jobs, I managed to get hired by USPS. One of the few jobs that I was actually gunning for. With my mother as an assisted living chef, and my father as an automotive mechanic, USPS fulfilled my inherited desire to help others. This helped stabilize my life with a solid income. And investing in crypto got me and my partner into our own house. I write this as a current rural letter carrier.

A couple of years ago, I got to see the inner-working of management among USPS. "Details" as a Supervisor and a position in Operations. I was shocked at how primitive the organization was. Some of the highest levels of management seemed to be merely making decisions of critical importance based on their personal interpretation of company policy, using data from incomplete resources, questionable sources, and with barely any computer skills to manage a business. Such as the lack of basic Microsoft Excel knowledge. Ultimately I did not seek a permanent higher management position, and instead reclaimed my career position as a carrier. I knew that this could be better.

Which brings me to Global Blockchain Post. And this is not where I originally planned on launching this idea. My vision is to save the post office, by replacing it. A decentralized equivalent. Consisting of workers only, managed by said workers by collaboration and voting. This idea is unfinished, as I am learning Solidity and Javascript in order to build it on the Ethereum network. This is now taking time I fear I may not have. In my time researching, I've created a colony, on and registered the domains and for future use. Global Blockchain Post Coin would have initially be pegged at $0.55 (current price of a stamp) in order to provide funding to workers and currency for participants. While development has slowed to a halt, we will be adapting to the times and changing our path to ensure GBP lives on.

Due to current events, Global Blockchain Post is pre-maturely launching its first project GBP Cascadia, a grass roots initiative to support those effected in the Cascadian Bio-region, currently and primarily in the State of Oregon, United States. We hope to provide any kind of support to those that need it, in what would have been our testing ground for limited decentralized parcel transportation services. If nothing more than a shoulder to lean on. Something that we believe the cryptocurrency community needs to show its good side, and drive adoption with those that have never experienced cryptocurrency before.

As it stands now, fire is approaching. While our risk is low, I still fear of losing everything. This in combined with rising economic costs, and COVID-19, our budget has been strained remotely supporting my now out of work family. I'm not the type to ask for assistance, but I have run out of options. I know that there are individuals can relate. I want to keep this idea going, even if I don't live to see it prosper.

I'm providing three options. I'll be on our Telegram group here if you want to discuss any of them:

Option 1. Soon, I will be attempting to provide liquidity of GBPC on Uniswap. This will be our primary way of building our community, via Postage (GBPC).

Option 2. Donate to our Colony with ETH or any ERC-20 Token. Donations are currently going to GBP Cascadia, a grass roots local initiative to support those effected in the ongoing wildfires in the State of Oregon. Our colony address: 0x7529A4eFcaFF037325CF4C9F00333D541fa04eed

Option 3. Support me directly. My situation is critical, but certainly not life threatening. But I don't want to lose what could be. I hope to build GBP into a fully Decentralized Autonomous Organization to provide work for thousands, and reassurance of parcel delivery for even more. Anything helps.

BTC: bc1q8gr2y78ezxqm4d8qyksfnk3mg257xzggky34py

ETH: 0xCb62542562b5Bdcfcf9B504165d3840604146aC8

I wish all Oregonians and Cascadians the best during these difficult times. Thank you for reading, and please do not donate if you yourself are struggling. If you can't help financially, share this post on your social media. It would be very much appreciated!

Global Blockchain Post

Oregon, USA

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