Sunday, January 3, 2021

Bitcoin makes riches richer, TAU wants to give everyone digital coins access for free on phone

This week is remarkable in terms of the crypto asset up-rising. Certainly, TAU Cambridge, our dev entity, is benefited tremendously for financing project development. It seems that we will never run out of funding if this trend continues, even at 10% of the current rally. However, the people benefitted are still those with fiat money, who bought bitcoin and eth. For massive population struggling in daily life, they have no access to such valuable asset. This makes mobile mining coin TAU and its community coins very important to commoners. With TAU tech, a high school girl can create own digital coins and circulate them among friends and accumulate value. Bitcoin, Eth, DOT and EOS will never be able to support this. I personally do not like wealthy effect created by bitcoins, but it is truly a good educational event. By end of the day, we just have to believe crypto assets will change the world. Bitcoin, ethereum, TAU...

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