Saturday, July 3, 2021

Cyberpolygon Preparation

Coming up in less than a week, there is a WEF-sponsored cyberattack drill/simulation called Cyberpolygon

What is Cyber Polygon?

Cyber Polygon is a unique cybersecurity event that combines the world's largest technical training exercise for corporate teams and an online conference featuring senior officials from international organisations and leading corporations.

The 2021 conference discusses the key risks of digitalisation and best practice for the secure development of digital ecosystems.

The 2021 technical exercise builds and tests the skills needed to protect our industries, centring on targeted supply-chain attack

Last time the WEF was involved with a simulation exercise it was called Event 201 which described a hypothetical viral pandemic featuring a novel Coronavirus capturing the attention of the entire world and killing millions. It happened in October 2019. The simulation that is, not the actual pandemic it describes to a T.

Here are a few more relevant links:

So we have another drill on the horizon. I'd like to discuss it and come up with some actionable things we can do to protect ourselves. I don't think it actually happens on July 9th btw, but I would be ready for it starting then certainly. Now I'm not a security expert or anything. I'm actually hoping to find a security expert to blow up my arguments or provide additional items to consider. If you see something good wrong below, please point it out.

Supply chain
This is on the list first because it's actually the cited purpose of this year's Cyberpolygon. As if we weren't screwed enough with inflation about to explode, a significant cyber attack here would be very destructive. If the last few months has shown us anything, it's that even small scale cyber attacks on a single company can have big ripple effects.
Goal Raise food prices and make people broke to get them dependent on government services and UBI. Get people away from eating meat and push veggie burgers further down our throats. Mass depopulation if it's severe enough. Mitigation Increase your food supply (prepped say at least 6 months worth), water supply, have water filtration available, medicine (pharma, herbs, etc) other essentials that you need.

Health data
If there's a cyber attack I think one the surefire things to happen is all health data will be hacked and published somewhere freely available so that it's not private anymore. My opinion is that it has already been "stolen" (via public private partnerships like this by corrupt corporations and being used today. Our monthly check ups with primary care physicians sure but also the really valuable data like 23andme and any other DNA testing services as well. It's already being shared with intelligence agencies and health data companies (and has been for a long time) but this will be the event where people look back to and say "that's where we officially lost our health privacy". Goal Get access to that sweet sweet health data. Why? Lots of reasons including some nefarious ones: replacing medical staff with AI, building an individual genetic blueprint on everyone for targeted gene therapy, sandwiching all the data together in a giant database for analysis, tracking, use your imagination. Mitigation None, unfortunately because its already compromised. This will just be the justification for why they have it already.

Banking system
This is a hard one to predict, mostly because of my own ignorance. There are lots of clues in the links above. The end goals are simple: destroy the dollar, the correct financial system and move to digital currency. Merge public and private interests (ex. banks with those who regulate them). How they actually GET there is the question. Hoping to get some ideas from readers out there. Because nearly everything is on the internet, everything is in play: bank accounts, home mortgages, retirement accounts, pensions. The wealthy are heavy into equities like stocks so I think they may be unaffected (besides the price that is). Expect a mass sell-off before the actual market implosion. Mitigation Move into cash temporarily. Print off monthly statements.

"They" want was digital money in the form of Central Bank Digital Currencies. You can track purchases easily and if they control the system (like a private blockchain) it's perfect for money laundering, drug trafficking and blackmail. So mass adoption of crypto is good for them. On the other hand, they seem to hate popular cryptos. Of course they do, it is one of the only escape hatches for the incoming USD implosion. Now that I've spent a few months researching it, it's a very interesting little world. You have a "spokesperson" for the movement named Michael Saylor. Rich guy with a completely shady past who every believer looks to like a role model. He's to Bitcoin what Bill Gates is to vaccines. Financial institutions take every opportunity to bash crypto which drops the price and then they end up quietly buying it up for their clients who want exposure to it. It is pretty satisfying seeing every bank and hedge fund going back on their anti-crypto stance and now having to buy it for various reasons. Anyway, mini rant over. Crypto has a security problem with exchanges and that would be my target if I was looking to steal crypto and sow doubt among crypto believers.
Goal Mass adoption of CBDCs and adding everyone in the world to a blockchain for tracking, social credit system and stakeholder capitalism (picture hedge funds betting on health outcomes for certain demographics like poor blacks - then pulling all the strings they can to make their wager come true. Alison McDowell has good content about this). If they can steal a whole ton of wealth at the same time, perfect!
Mitigation Take all crypto off exchanges and move into a cold (best) or hot (still good) wallet which you control the private keys of

Power grid
How many times have you heard about the power grid in the last ten years? We need to a completely 100% connected centralized grid because of all the power we're wasting! Ironically a completedly connected centralized grid is more susceptible to cyber attacks but I digress. In order to push along the grid agenda (whatever it's actually about) will be to inspire doubt about, heavily reform or flat out destroy the existing infrastructure. Goal Goodbye old wasteful grid, hello new centralized grid that will be called green but we still burn coal to produce electricity for. Mitigation Have a backup source for electricity: generator, solar panels, etc. For this and the next one, it could really get dangerous quick. You also want ammo, items for barter like batteries, liquor, etc.

I didn't want to go here at all, but it's a possibility so it has to be considered. This has a much lower possibility of happenings for a lot of reasons.

  • It's localized (please correct me if I'm wrong) and not a wide scale thing. If this was going to hit a bunch of places individually it would hit certain cities

  • Civilization would be instantly set back 100 years or more. However almost nobody would be able to function because practical survival skills are just not practiced anymore, unfortunately. Mass casualties are inevitable, which may actually the point if it happens.

  • Sooo many electronics would be lost. These electronics provide surveillance through phones and soon IoT devices, citizen tracking through GPS, the ultimate brainwashing tool and time waster with television and these devices keep the economy rolling. So much time and effort has been spent to get the system to where it is now, why kill off a good thing?

If it happens, this is the great reset. But I think this gets them further away from their goals then closer. Who knows though, think of what the powerful have done so far in history. This wouldn't be that big of a stretch.
Goal Complete restart of society - famine then mass death. Mitigation There are Faraday cages you can make with aluminum foil. There is material you can buy to make bigger Faraday cages. Only the essentials go in there (crypto cold wallet, kindle loaded with prepper eBooks that you didn't read, backups of your family pictures and vital documents on a USB stick).

Would really love to hear your thoughts especially things I missed or got wrong. Talk about this as much as possible with people to increase awareness. Also to point back at after the fact as another data point. This plus Event 201 (and plethora of other incidents) will confirm: these society changing events don't just happen organically as we're led to believe. They are planned well in advance and executed by groups of well connected individuals that have common interests. Expose them now and resist as much as possible.

EDIT: formatting

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