Hey everyone, over the last few months I've been working on building a platform for my company Light List LLC. It quickly went from an idea to something bigger than I could imagine in a matter of weeks. I messaged the CEO of another project which I invested in for advice, and in a miraculous turn of events he went from someone to bounce an idea off of to a silent investor, agreeing to help me launch the project of my dreams. This last month has been absolutely insane with how fast things have been moving and I have literally broken down in tears of joy, anxiety, pride, fear, and anything you can fit inside that spectrum of emotions. Yesterday we launched an informational landing page for our website and began taking reservations for the order of our token and in the first 24 hours he have locked in $24,000 at $.05 a token, which is 20% of our fundraising goal for the month, mostly from small investments under $5,000. I am filled with so much pride right now, but the road has only just began. Our platform is scheduled to launch in December of 2021, and thanks to the aggressive demand for the presale of our token we're hoping to launch even sooner. Please, even if you're not interested in investing a penny, if you're even a little bit curious about cryptocurrency, I invite you to visit L1ghtL1st.io and explore what our platform offers to investors of all levels and budgets. If you don't want to visit the site, all of the information on L1ghtL1st can also be found below.
We're all here looking for the next big thing, right? The next Bitcoin, where we can get on early and ride to the moon. But we can't find it. We spend hours researching up and comers, reading articles on Medium, engaging with founders on Telegram, glued to r/SatoshiStreetBets and r/CryptoMoonShots, but if you sort by new you're flooded with shit coins no one has seen, and if you sort by hot you're barraged by pump and dumps claiming to be the next Doge coin because everyone believes in it. There's no filter.
That's where L1ght L1st comes in.
At its core, L1ght L1st aims to offer users a Decentralized Listing Service exclusively designed for listing Initial Farm Offferings (IFOs) with the same listing credibility as Initial Exchange Offerings (IEOs) found on large Central Exchanges (CEX), without all of the corporate interference and hidden fees; as well as offer a unique platform to Start Ups, where they can deploy their exceptional IFOs to a larger audience without having to spend thousands, to literally hundreds of thousands of dollars to get listed on a reputable site. This bridge allows everyday investors the same upward potential usually reserved for large hedge-funds, and developers the same market exposure typically reserved for multi-million dollar companies.
Well what's wrong with looking for IDOs?
Like all investments, young crypto currencies pose significant risks, but one seemingly unique to these assets, and even more so to IDOs, is that anyone can create their own token, and launch it on any DEX, with absolutely no screening, and simultaneously pop up a website template, copy and paste a professional white paper and some catchy tech jargon, and while everyone is rushing to catch the next big thing, that sounds and looks incredible, the malicious token holder pulls all of their liquidity, shuts everything down, and leaves tens to thousands of investors high and dry. The sad reality is that in the very first quarter of 2021 alone, over $50 million was reported lost to crypto scams throughout the United States, and that’s completely ignoring the amount of “good ideas” that launch and cost investors millions when they tank due to bad leadership and/or poor execution. Right now the world of decentralized finance (DeFi) is unregulated and subject to millions, if not billions of dollars more in unnecessary losses if a solution is not implemented.
Can't I just use a central exchange?
Currently, the only way you can trust that you are getting a truly valuable token, is through buying one through a CEX. While on the surface this is the traditional way of doing things, there are thousands of crypto startups with brilliant ideas and excellent minds working on them that can’t get past the barriers provided by central exchanges. The primary barrier to being listed on a central exchange is money. Large, reputable exchanges charge anywhere from thousands to literally hundreds of thousands of dollars to companies trying to get their cryptos listed, and without excellent seed funding at the cost of a large presale of your token to select large investors, it doesn’t matter how perfect your product is, you can’t get listed, and if you can’t get listed your project is dead in the water.
The L1ght Solution:
Rather than create large financial barriers to ensure high quality listings, we leave the governance of our listings to you, the people. Through a series of complex protocols and smart contracts, users can utilize L1ght to determine how many Seeds turn to Sprouts, which Seeds turn to Sprouts, how much liquidity must be allocated for L1ght Shining rewards, and how much of the proprietary crypto must be staked alongside the Seed through its lifecycle. By allowing users to dictate which Seeds turn to Sprouts, we create a completely decentralized filter, which provides the listing credibility of a CEX, and the broad user accessibility of a DEX, along with an innovative path to elevated exposure. This will attract developers with responsible financial standing, and retail investors seeking trustworthy startups who have been screened by millions of potential users before being allowed to list.
Our unique platform stems from the utilization of our L1ght token, acting as a community governed filter against malicious and redundant tokens that offer no long term utility.
We streamline the growth of promising projects through our automated three phase listing cycle, ensuring adequate exposure prior to launch during our Seed phase, a level playing field for investors to purchase IFOs at fixed and fair price in the Sprout phase, and immediate market liquidity across multiple DEXs in the Harvest phase
In order for a token to be listed, it must pass through our exclusive “Seed” phase. Developers wishing to launch their IFO through our platform must provide 15-50% of their total token supply as well as a small amount of the proprietary token of the chain they wish to launch on in order to prevent turn and burns. The Seed page updates the listings with new Seeds organized in random order every Monday, after which they have until Sunday for L1ght holders to shine their L1ght on, on the following Monday Seeds with most most L1ght shined on them are moved to our Sprouts page to be sold, and the new Seeds are planted for users to shine their L1ght on.
As Seeds grow into Sprouts, an allocated amount of their new token is dispersed amongst users who staked L1ght on their Seed, and a small portion of the staked proprietary crypto goes to paying transaction fees for activating the new smart contracts. The Sprouts are then listed on their designated page, organized by default according to the amount of L1ght shined on them as Seeds so users see the most promising listings first, placed for sale in a smart contract at a fixed and predesignated price for 28 days, where users can buy up to 5% of the provided liquidity, allowing at least 20 users individual access to any given IFO. At the end of 28 days, the Sprout is ready for Harvest, and no longer available at its fixed Sprout prices.
The last phase of a seeds life-cycle is the Harvest. This generates a new liquidity pool, the preallocated portion of the tokens, along with whatever wasn’t sold in the sprout phase, are staked alongside the remainder the proprietary chain token provided, and locked for seven more days, at the end of which the token provider may withdraw their stake, or leave it. Liquidity pools generated in the Harvest are permanently fed into multiple DEX aggregators (making them more accessible than any CEX), and are open to all users to provide liquidity, as this will be the primary source to receive newly minted L1ght, so-as to allocate as much governing power as possible to investors actually purchasing Sprouts, benefiting from high quality listings. By the time all the L1ght has been minted, 28% will be dispersed to our liquidity providers at no direct expense to them.
Token Details:
L1ght is a unique token built on the Binance Smart Chain under the bep20 standard, with multichain functionality integrated in through smart bridge technology to ensure no additional token issuance necessary for scaling across networks. 25 million L1ght tokens will be minted and immediately distributed accordingly, while the other 25 million are minted and distributed over a course of 5 years at a pace of roughly 13.7 thousand a day, allowing ample opportunity for investors to get their share before the token is fully distributed. L1ght has a .1% transaction fee integrated into its protocol, which is fed into a liquidity pool to be distributed as needed to ensure long term price stability and liquidity.
Staking L1ght:
L1ght holders can stake their L1ght on a number of L1ght L1st governance protocols such as the number of Seeds to Sprout each week (between 3 and 7), what portion of new Seeds must be allocated for L1ght Shiners each week (between 3% and 7%), and what portion of BNB/MATIC/ETH Seeds are required to stake alongside their listings (between 1% and 3% of the value of their listing). Flexible governance is just one of the ways L1ght can be utilized to ensure only high quality Seeds are able to Sprout each week, but L1ght also has measurable intrinsic value when it shines.
Shining L1ght:
This is the true value of this entire platform, and the grand filter that wasn’t possible prior to the blockchain. Users anonymously shine L1ght on Seeds, doing so locks away that allocation of L1ght until the seed either Sprouts or dies, if that Seed Sprouts, all users who shined L1ght on a particular Seed are rewarded by the tokens allocated to L1ght shiners proportionate to their stake in the Seed. To prevent bandwagoning on Seeds, users will not be able to see a Seeds L1ght allocation until it sprouts, nor will they be able to move their L1ght once its staked, tho they are encouraged to stake on as many Seeds as they desire. This reward system promotes research on each Seed, as users are naturally inclined to want to shine as much L1ght as possible on Seeds they see the least risk in. Users are encouraged to post about malicious/generic code found in social pages to alert others as early as possible.
Road Map Dates:
Major DatesJuly 1st 2021
L1ght L1st Landing
Page Launch!
August 15th 2021
Official FlashL1ght
Wallet App Launch
September 1st 2021
L1ght Token Launch/
Staking Begins
October 15th 2021
Beta Launch of Platform/
Pre-Sale Ends!
November 1st 2021
Staking on Site Protocol/
Seed Submission Opens
November 21st 2021
Shining on Seeds Begin
November 28th 2021
Full Platform Launch
Tl;Dr: L1ghtL1st is your ticket to every great token to come. L1ght may never moon, but L1ght L1st will find the moonshots.
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