Sunday, November 28, 2021

[BOUNTY] ETH-XMR atomic swaps are now live on - A proof of concept work

Hey guys, I am proud to say that I have completed this bounty right here:

The github:

The protocol:


This is just its demo version I actually been working on a lot of privacy protocols for quite some time now, my next goal is to complete the bch-xmr one, and lastly finish the xmr-bitcoin one which I been working on for quite some time as well. Test it and tell me what you think, it should have no bugs at all.


Seems like they're not willing to give me the bounty after this line of events happened:

This is the original comment that was deleted by monero bounties where I asked her whether another dev can complete it with his own code or not, and she clearly responded that "if someone claims the bounty before me working the code or not"

One of them which was original in these comments assisting her said this in this thread: Completely changing the goals of the bounty:

In addition to that:

I completed the bounty 6 hours ago (see the github's creation) made it public 4 hours ago, and out of nowhere when this post receives enough upvotes and many of them come here to badmouth it (they claim they have no ties to each other despite how they are showing to support each other in every project)

This happens:

Now she also added what I claimed in my comments as "proof" namely the videos I was planning to record.

She claims she "saw me completing it" but why didn't she say so here then? She clearly waited to complete her stuff before she could claim "now I completed it too let's vote"

This looks like they saw me completing it, stayed silent, then went and rushed up their own version to avoid me from claiming the bounty.

I find the entire process unfair. But perhaps fairness isn't what they care about. They want to turn this into a vote and retract their original claims (twice this time) I will just leave these here.

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