Sunday, November 28, 2021

LoO saved my Life; you guys weren't too shabby yourselves in that endeavour. Thank you!

I have seen paranormal (hauntings) or supernatural activity (reality shifts) happen directly in front of me. I experience both the paranormal and supernatural events. In addition, I undergo spiritual attacks on a daily basis that are completely different in nature but seem to be somehow contemporaneous with the emergence of my understanding of why we are here. These attacks are always targeted at the brain's "hard-wiring", it is not merely a generic kind of attack that exists only in one's ephemeral feelings or train-of-thought. It is an attack that involves triggering the involuntary fight-or-flight response in the amygdala. Only if you have seen or heard something like a poltergeist slamming doors and throwing stuff around - as I have - only then can you empirically grasp that. My response is pretty deterministic. I operate within a very unnatural, self-imposed set of emotional and mental habits as a general self-defence mechanism against the uninterrupted maelstrom of spiritual attacks to which I am subjected every day. So, my responses are almost "algorithmic" as there's a law of compensation at work here to bring balance. Everyone has a different range of vibration and everyone creates their own reality that can only influence the realities of those matching vibrations - we could call "timelines" or "dimensions". There are infinite versions of every waking moment you are alive that represent every choice that you can make and its effects. They all exist simultaneously. For this, I can vouch. The effect of dimensions and how they contain these variations that I have seen suggest they are as follows:

4th dimension - Our vantage point.

5th - Time becomes a space you can move in. Only memories and the current moment. Future is there but it is not "collapsed" into the timelines and can be seen from every vantage point simultaneously.

6th - The space your time timelines moved in. It includes all possible timelines that result from different choices you make that make other timelines.

7th - Other timelines separate from yours, where other choices were made intersect with each other creating a timelines matrix where events that take place in one timelines are actually representations in another.

8th - All the timelines intersecting with each other make up a fractal sphere that includes all possible variations at all times throughout existence, and it grows outward like a water balloon being filled. There is a communal path, like a grouping of veins where our collective reality is kind of created. It is like little spheres within the larger sphere.

9th - I could not see outside of the skin of the balloon but I assume thats the 9th, and other spheres would exist in there that had different centre starting points.

The 10th dimension would be all those variants existing as a single point I guess.

The 11th would be something I cannot really comprehend. But again, all theoretical since I never saw them.

I have no idea what is in the 12th dimension.

What we experience is not real at all but is some kind of construct. I have more than a vague sense of nostalgia for my true self and origin. On 6 October 2019, I attempted suicide. The first time since January 13 of that year. My very first attempt was in 1986 and the top wardrobe door swung open and smashed me into the wall. I was 10. When I was 11, I tried again using the T-bar for the wash-line and my late mother saw and asked my siblings to get me. She never said a thing, except ask me to watch "the Sound of Music" with her. Dad was at work and had he been told, my apparent incompetence in offing myself would have been resolved swiftly and, probably, suddenly and finally, as the guy used to be a hothead. He is still alive. 72 years today. If I live that long, I will kill myself and redo third density in championship style.

But in all honesty. This isn't my home. I was "misplaced" or placed in the wrong timeline by a rookie or inept amateur who will have hell to pay, causing me severe depression since at least 6 years of age. I am not going to kill him. I am just going to kick his ass to kingdom come and feed his metallic non-chemical vehicle to some buzzards! Knowing time and reality were farcical just emphasised the need for me to abandon the illusion "and go back home", wherever that was. I dare not say I am a Wanderer or Lightworker. I do not think I am either. I am either a reincarnated third density entity as I remember being burned alive, or I am a neophyte with Asperger's syndrome. Still I also remember appearing silvery like C3Pio in some crowded place just standing around staring at the other brass boys. Plus, I had a recurring dream for 26 years, maybe 5 times a night. The Creator wanted me to do something which I didn't realise until 23 August this year. When I did and it went to national press, the dreams stopped completely. 26 years without figuring it out. Almost like I am Michael Caine's character in Christopher Nolan's "Interstellar". My regulator emailed me saying the membership were not happy and wanted me to cease transmissions. I said "okay"! Then sent in a goodbye salvo!

When a psychologist asked me in 2004 before I left the central bank to go solo what i didn't like about earth, I told him it was too heavy in a "pressure" sense, humming its vibrations at me, noisy and there was ceaseless mouthing off like everyone is a Baptist at a funeral. He recommended six months sick leave and i just resigned to create a sense of desperation and need to survive, my pain notwithstanding. I kept being given sick leave for almost an entire year. Just imagine! Anyway, LOO saved me from myself. From the time I discovered it in February last year, I felt a real purpose for being here. My near death experiences in November 2002 and January 2015 were not suicide attempts. They were both genuine accidental overdoses on strong painkillers due to chronic pain illness, but I would have graciously accepted the outcome. Glad I am still here. This was before I learnt I could self-heal or minimise the pain. Evidently, I am both incompetent at self-slaughter and very lucky on accidental overdoses. Some guys just can't catch a break. So here I am. Typing away to you Lightworkers, Wanderers and Christed entities disguised as human beings, who have made my agoraphobic life tolerable and endearing. Your questions, analyses and occasional bullying on this sub save lives every day and you don't even realise or know it. You should. You are all aces, living Christs, in my book. I am too neurotic to suffer such a malady myself but I cannot speak for the rest of you other selves. I would say thank you but some of you might prefer cash or even Bitcoin now that Satoshi Nakamota was here 3 days ago talking about his 2008 accomplishment whilst he was thirteen but is now 26 merging galaxies with our maker, in the 8th density! Ra could learn a thing or two from this young gentleman about "densities in which they do not plumb!"

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