Monday, November 12, 2018

A little help with my Shortcut not ending

Hey all..

I've seen some similar posts around here but none exactly with the answer, and as wondering if I could get a little help from you pros around here..

TL;DR - my somewhat long Shortcut sometimes ends, but often doesn't. Need help figuring out why. It always finishes on the phone, but sometimes only, on my Homepod.

So I have a morning shortcut that does the following, exact steps:

  • Looks at my list of various Good Morning phases and randomly selects one.
  • Gets the current weather conditions at my location.
  • [Show Result of random Good Morning message and weather conditions]
  • [Show Result of additional weather conditions]
  • Runs a Shortcut (Calendars and Events)
  • [Show Result of Calendars and Events shortcut]
  • Get my driving time to work
  • Gets the day of the week, and an IF statement of if I'm working today from the day of the week.
  • [Show Result of day of the week and if I'm working]
  • Runs a Shortcut [Latest Formula 1 news (RSS)]
  • [Show Result of F1 news]
  • Runs a Shortcut [Current Bitcoin Price in USD]
  • Runs a Shortcut [Current Bitcoin Price in ZAR]
  • Runs a Shortcut [Current EOS Price in USD]
  • [Show Result of BTC-USD / BTC-ZAR & EOS-USD]
  • Runs a Shortcut [Days Until Vacation]
  • [Show Result of Days Until Vacation]
  • Show Result telling me that she's queuing up music on my Homepod
  • Get Playlist
  • Play Music
  • Runs a Shortcut [Dinner options]
  • [Show Result of Dinner options shortcut]

So as you can see, I've split up the Show Result (good for Homepod, has Siri speak in her natural voice). I did this as I figured the "Repeating Shorcut" bug was a result of a super long single "Show Result". All fine. I am pulling in other Shortcuts in my library to run this shortcut, but I don't think that's the issue, because it all runs fine......

However, the second Siri gets to "Get Playlist" and "Play Music", I can hear the music start in the "tunnel" sound thing on the Homepod that happens while Siri is talking, but she never gets to the Dinner shortcut. I've even swapped the two, and found that I had somewhat more success by not ending on playing music.

I've taken the music out - and she finishes the shortcut with "Done!".

However, when the music is in there, I have to say "Hey Siri, stop.", and then the music plays normally, however the Dinner section never comes up.

Here's a video of the shortcut running.

As mentioned, it runs fine on iPhone, and when it does, it's amazing on Homepod, but when it doesn't, I have to manually stop it, which is annoying.

Any ideas?

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