Friday, November 29, 2019

Dark web domestic or no?

I'm going to finally try my hand at purchasing from the DN, and while I think I (mostly) know what I'm doing, I have seen a number of people on here insist that U.S. folks should only buy domestically. I assume it's more secure to do so, but is it significantly safer to the point of justifying the price point? Anything I see that's from the USA is as expensive if not more so than street price, so the only real benefit would seem to be the convenience of not having to find "a guy", as it were. Does anyone have experience with this? Is it such a bad idea to purchase internationally?

Any other tips are appreciated, but that sums up my main question.

Edit: I remember seeing something of a "beginner's guide" to buying on the DN (specifically in regards to why & how to encrypt your personal info when ordering and some general bitcoin info), but I can't find it again for the life of me. Does anyone know of something similar? I'm an idiot and I want to make sure I'm doing everything right...or at least not disastrously wrong.

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