I’ve included basic information about Bitcoin compared to some of the Altcoins that I follow (Ethereum, Stellar, Z-Cash), highlighting key differences along with citations.
Bitcoin (BTC): entrust your money to those with the most computing power (PoW); OG cryptocurrency - 600-second block time (10 minutes) - bandwidth: 3.5 transactions / second - suggested to wait for 6 confirmations - current cost to include 1 transaction in next block $1.40 - Bitcoin Reddit community - Learn More
Ethereum (ETH): entrust your computation to those with the most computing power (Ethereum v1.0 = PoW) or money (Ethereum v2.0 = PoS) - 14-second block time - bandwidth: 8 transactions / second - suggested to wait 5-30 confirmations - current cost to include 1 transaction in next block $0.43 - Ethereum Reddit community - Learn More
Stellar (XLM): entrust your money to those you trust regardless of computing power or money (SCP: Stellar Consensus Protocol); has on-chain currency conversions - 5-second ledger (block) time (live dashboard) - bandwidth: 1,000 transactions / second (5,000 transactions per ledger / 5 seconds per ledger = 1,000 transactions per second) - suggested to wait 0 confirmations; there are no additional block confirmations required since there is no “longest-chain wins” rule in the consensus algorithm - current cost to include 1 transaction in next block $0.0000008 - Stellar Reddit community - Learn More
Z-Cash (ZEC): entrust your money to those with the most computing power (PoW) + anonymity - 75 second block time - bandwidth: 6 - 26 transactions / second (6 if all transactions in the block are anonymous, 26 if all transactions in the block are transparent, ranges in between) - suggested to wait 24 confirmations - current cost to include 1 transaction in next block $0.0000005 - Z-Cash Reddit community - Learn More
Disclaimer: None of the above should be construed to be investment advice, a solicitation to buy any of the above tokens, or factual information in any way and readers should do their own research to verify the above information. My intention is to provide some information about alternative cryptocurrencies (Altcoins). I have only specified a few altcoins here and if there is enough interest I can do a second post with additional tokens. I work at The Stellar Development Foundation as an Engineer.
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