Thursday, November 26, 2020

So I moved into the private sector and found people that needed direct instruction

I've worked in radically different industries as a professional, with the 1st being music education, the 2nd being home improvement trade shows, and the 3rd being startup business operations in tech, with the majority of my experience in blockchain. So I've got 3 radically different things to compare, and I've got a suggestion for the gender disparity in tech I don't see on the usual lists, and its a connection I don't think I could make without the things I learned upon each major transition.

First, was my transition from being a pubic ed teacher to the pubic sector. It is remarkable to me that the private sector doesn't see the massive amount of transferable skills. Or anything, really. The biggest shock I had upon taking my first professional job in the private sector was, "I had no idea people could make so much money while doing so little." As a teacher, everyone I worked with was their own entrepreneur. Scrappy, self-sufficient, creative, able to stretch a budget further than you'd think possible, and believing 10 hour days were normal for everyone. Same goes for making about 45K for all that. Don't forget all the other stuff that's not in the job description you're expected to do.

So I moved into the private sector and found people that needed direct instructions for everything. Or did about half their job with no repercussions, while make more money! I guess you can get away with that when your profession is't a scapegoat for all of society's ills. But there was a distinct positive. We know far more women work in K-12 education than men. Also, pay is standardized across the board. There's no negotiating or questioning if someone with the same eduction level who's worked the same number of years as you is making a different salary. They're not. So despite all of challenges that come with teaching, I worked with a majority female workforce where everyone pulled more than their weight + half.

Eventually I found myself as the event marketing manager for a high end home remodeling company, managing 15 part and full time employees working several in person events and trade shows every weekend. One, managing adults you get to pay after managing kids that have to sit in your class

Грозный 9 серия 10 серия (Россия 1)
Siro tever 8 seria / Сиро тевер 8 серия в HD качестве
Siro tever 7 seria / Сиро тевер 7 серия в HD качестве
Axtamar 64 seria / Ахтамар 64 серия в HD качестве
Axtamar 63 seria / Ахтамар 63 серия в HD качестве
Sari axjik 23 seria / Сари ахчик 23 серия в HD качестве
Sari axjik 22 seria / Сари ахчик 22 серия в HD качестве
Shirazi Vard 184 seria / Ширази вард 184 серия в 4k разрешении
Shirazi Vard 183 seria / Ширази вард 183 серия в 4k разрешении
Хабканк 92 серия / Xabkanq 92 seria в HD качестве
Siro tever 6 seria / Сиро тевер 6 серия в HD качестве
Грозный 9 серия 10 серия (сериал 2020)
Иванько 17 серия 18 серия (сериал 2020)
Первый отдел 19 серия 20 серия (2020)
След. Движение вниз ()
Мавки 7 серия 8 серия (сериал 2020)
Основание Осман 36 серия (на русском языке)
Основание Осман 35 серия (2020) на русском языке
Вечерний Ургант (25.11.2020)
Сериал Перевал Дятлова (2020) Все серии 1-8
Сериал Первый отдел (2020) 1-20 серия
Сериал Чужая стая (2020) Все серии
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Пусть говорят на Первом. Эфир от
На самом деле. Выпуск () Первый Канал
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Место встречи на НТВ. Выпуск от
Время покажет на Первом. Выпуск ()
60 минут. Дневной выпуск ()
Соловьев Лайф выпуск от
Гражданская оборона выпуск () Первый Канал
О самом главном выпуск от 26 ноября 2020 года
Мавки 5 серия 6 серия (сериал 2020)
События на ТВЦ. Эфир от
Выпуск Новостей в 12:00 от
Вести. Местное время выпуск () Россия 1
Полный контакт () с Владимиром Соловьевым
Бородина против Бузовой от 26 ноября 2020 года
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ДНК () Доказать, что трижды отец!
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Сегодня Новости на НТВ от
Женский доктор 5 сезон 13, 14, 15, 16 серия (2020)
Ветреный 49 серия (2020) на русском языке
Доктор Преображенский 7 серия 8 серия (2020)

Адская кухня 4 сезон 15 выпуск от на Пятнице с Ивлевым
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Прощание. Михаил Кокшенов от
Тайны Чапман выпуск от
Место встречи от
Перевал Дятлова: Охотники за правдой 1-8 серия (сериал 2020)
Давай поженимся от
Пёс 6 сезон 1-2, 3, 4 серия (сериал 2020)
Загадки человечества с Олегом Шишкиным от
Грозный 1-6, 7, 8 серия (сериал 2020)
Грозный 6, 7, 8 серия (2020) — все серии
Ангелы 1-11, 12, 13 серия (сериал 2020)
Вечер с Владимиром Соловьёвым от
Родком 3, 4, 5 серия (2020) — все серии на СТС
Родком 1-4, 5, 6 серия (сериал 2020)
Вечерний Ургант от
Вести. Дежурная часть от
Мавки 1-5, 6, 7 серия (сериал 2020)
Цвет страсти 1-5, 6, 7 серия (сериал 2020)
Вызов 1-5, 6, 7 серия (сериал 2020)
Дизель Шоу. Новый 83 выпуск от 27.11.2020
Женский доктор 5 сезон 1-9, 10, 11, 12 серия (сериал 2020)
Женский доктор 5 сезон 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 серия (2020) — все сери на Домашнем
ТВ-ШОУ ДНК 26.11.2020
Соловьёв LIVE — Поле Куликова выпуск от
Двое на миллион 13 выпуск
Пацанки 5 сезон 10 выпуск 26.11.2020
Перевал Дятлова 7 серия
Цвет страсти 5, 6 серия
Грозный 5, 6 серия
Иванько 17 серия 26 11 2020
Перевал Дятлова 8 серия 26 11 2020
Вечерний Ургант
ДНК 26.11.2020
Иванько 16 серия
Вечер с Владимиром Соловьевым
Родком 5 серия 26 11 2020
Фантом 4 серия 26 11 2020
Великолепная пятерка 3 сезон 22 серия 26 11 2020
Доктор Преображенский 7, 8 серия 26 11 2020
Женский доктор 5 сезон 13, 14, 15, 16 серия 26 11 2020
Великолепная пятерка 3 сезон 21 серия
Адская кухня 4 сезон 14, 15, 16 выпуск
60 минут
Фантом 3 серия
Родком 4 серия
Пусть говорят
Женский доктор 5 сезон 9, 10, 11, 12 серия

I look at the thumbnail photo used for our announcement post in Medium. Seven of Neon District’s brooding and capable characters gaze out from over the city scape. In my asset folder I’ve nicknamed this one, “The A-Team.” If I was ever stuck in a misty, cyberpunk dystopia, I’d want these guys to have my back.

It’s been a little over 3 months since Marguerite, Ben, and I scrambled to get our whitepaper together. There it was, proof that this little gem of an idea had a real foundation to stand on. A declaration of creativity, complete with a rose-colored road map. I understand that the majority of whitepapers are little more than copypasta marketing documents, but we were determined to be different. You can call that rose-colored as well, but I can’t see our team losing that kind of uncool sincerity any time soon. Every time someone tells me they’ve read it I start grinning from ear to ear, like a 3rd grader who’s just won the school science fair.

Nothing is ever as easy as you think it’s going to be. We analyzed the gameplay, we rearranged its parts, and we practically burnt the whole thing down before finding those perfect embers. I recently read a comment on twitter that building a creative project remotely is bad for one’s mental health. I’d like to argue this point, but currently there’s a 3-pound bag of dehydrated cereal marshmallows hiding in my kitchen.

Detour # 1: Pineapple Arcade

I have a feeling that being Marguerite means stumbling into experiences that most would call “unordinary.” So, when she texted us in early February to say, “The anonymous funder of the Pineapple Foundation wants to donate money for crypto puzzles and prizes, and they’d like to build some of it too,” we said yes. The only answer to something like that is yes. It’s the Bitcoin equivalent of being called and told you’re a distantly related princess with a kingdom to save.

After a month of frenzied work, we opened the arcade on March 14th. Pi day. The arcade features Diego’s beautiful artwork, arcade style games hidden within the arcade machines, a magical graffiti wall (if you can find it,) and dozens of hidden puzzles with even more hidden prizes. There’s also a surly, puzzle-loving discord group, if you want to take the red pill.

Image for post

Sending “secret” (read — not so secret) messages for Pine

Detour #2: SXSW

At some point in every start up where one of the members lives in Austin, TX, that member will shout, “Y’all should c’mon down for SXSW!” (That member was me.) So, they did. SX is a good place to forget what your goals are, even if you made a comprehensive list and RSVP’d to everything ahead of time. We passed out a lot of stickers, drank some, networked, drank some, had heated debates about the intersection of crypto and games, drank some more, stood in lines while most likely drinking and debating, met some really awesome people, planned for the future, and went home. A week later it was off to San Francisco for GDC.

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