Wednesday, May 27, 2020

The Need for Financial Technology Literacy

At these present times, everything and everyone is adapting to modern technology. From devices, diagnostic equipment, transportation, communication, research, and now to financial transactions — the convenience that the technology has brought us is indeed immeasurable.

We’ve written this article with the intention of letting people realize the importance of adapting to modern technology to alleviate the current financial system, not just in the cryptocurrency field.

The term “Fintech” or financial technology has been gaining more attention, and we believe that it is very important to discuss the need to educate the public on what this really means before we dive into more technical details. By understanding what fintech means, we hope that more people will realize its importance and adopt it in their everyday lives.

What is Financial Technology?

Fintech, a term coined for Financial Technology, is used to define the industries behind the expansion of the financial technology system across the globe. Whether in banking, insurance, mobile payments, and cryptocurrency, the term is widely used to describe the rapidly growing financial system. A lot of fintech businesses or products are created in such a way that they will connect and simplify financial transactions through the use of modern technology.

There is an increase in financial access, and freedom thanks to fintech. It has helped the world change the financial system in numerous ways. Before discovering the possibility of mobile or online banking, people used to line-up in banks just to open an account. Also, e-commerce flourished thanks to fintech. The availability of mobile apps and the internet catering to various services helped not just the consumers but also the businesses to expand their options and business goals.

Fintech and Cryptocurrency

Fintech upgraded the traditional financial transactions. Long gone are the days when people have to keep their money physically or have to visit banks to make transactions. Everything is almost digital. Everything is also almost convenient.

In this age where everything is fast-paced, people always look for “convenience” and “efficiency” in a product and service. This is where cryptocurrency has the most advantage.

The technology that cryptocurrency introduced through Bitcoin showed a profound effect on the Fintech industry. Thanks to the launch of Bitcoin in 2008, it was realized that a decentralized blockchain system is possible, and it can help solve the difficulties people encounter in the traditional financial system. As a form of digital or virtual money that runs in a blockchain, cryptocurrencies help users to manage their own money easily, quickly and securely. Users can make a transaction without the need for any central authority involved. People just need to have a cryptocurrency wallet where they can make crypto transactions.

The Importance of Fintech Literacy

The fintech industry has made a drastic growth in the financial sector over the years. As the world keeps on innovating, people will continuously adapt to changes. The more convenience fintech brings, the more people are inclined to use it. This is why Swipe believes that it is very important for users to understand how to have the right financial behavior in this high-tech world.

People find it easier to store, but at the same time, they also spend money easily with the use of the internet or mobile applications. However, products and services that can easily be bought online make it easier for consumers to develop a habit of impulsive buying. People need to realize that even though fintech helps brings more convenience, the need to control and manage their transactions is extremely important.

As a multi-asset digital wallet, Swipe believes that understanding the ropes of fintech and also cryptocurrencies will lead to better asset management and spending. Having a good grasp of fintech literacy helps the users’ ability to make informed decisions about their financial behaviors. Cryptocurrency rates are very volatile. Though it can be easily bought and spend any time, a crypto user must be knowledgeable enough on when or how to invest or spend his assets.

Fintech will surely dominate the financial sector in the years to come. A user needs to have an open mind to adapt to these changes and learn how to use it properly. Having adequate fintech literacy will surely help a user to have the right attitude and behavior in making financial decisions in a world that is slowly becoming more digital.


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