Wednesday, February 3, 2021

Just some ideas after 4 wipes.

Hey all, I want to start by saying that I havnt been playing since the start of the beta but Ive been on and off with tarkov for the last 4 wipes and im currently only level 20 with a couple million roubles and a halfway complete hideout. So I'm definitely no expert.

However, I was playing with a few friends and discussing how quests should be handled. Currently, the beginning of a wipe is a mad dash on customs to knock out the early quests and therein lies the problem IMO. so hear me out.... if you dont agree thats okay, but I want to open a dialog on what, if anything actually could be changed or needs to be changed.

my suggestion would be for "early on" quests to be issued at random so that when playing in a group not everyone is fighting for the same scav skills but instead able to provide over watch or just added muscle for the player who is on a scav killing quest.

Now I am aware that some rooms require keys and having that be your first quest may be detrimental to your progress, so I also feel like until a certain level cap(lets say 10) you can mulligan your task once a day with a mid tier barter such as a gold chain CPU or any streamer item for example with the exception that previous progress on a quest that gets swapped loses its progress.

I feel like this would slow down the pacing and give new players a chance to complete a task while not having to face an entire lobby chasing the bronze pocket watch in the middle of a hot zone. While I understand the game is supposed to be hard and im not calling for it to be made easier.. I feel like this could help balance the pacing which I feel has become fast. Like I stated in the beginning, i'm currently level 20 and have a hideout halfway done, maybe further (to bitcoin farming) and I only play maybe 4-8 hours a week currently. The first ten levels can be a slog, but once the flea market opens up and you get the gunsmith quests from mechanic it seems to get easy to shoot up to level 15-20 (This will change from player to player based on skill level, map knowledge etc.)

Also, and this one may be very controversial but what do people think of in game trader events? such as 'prapors location has been compromised and is unavailable for 24-72 hours' or 'due to missing water shipment therapist has no water for purchase for 72 hours' etc etc. Forcing players to use other traders and the flea market or rely on their stash contents to get them by. This could create a risk/reward system like water going for 100k on the flea and do you choose to sell it and rely on in raid food and drinks or do you keep it stashed in your safe container as its a hot commodity. I guess this is me just trying to shake up the formula we've all experienced wipe after wipe and while I love the game.....maybe just maybe.... things like this could help keep it fresh and possibly give us some lore in the Tarkov universe we all love. Currently everything feels static with only time and weather effecting the world (And a few limited items the traders always sell out of)

I'm curious to hear other ideas and your thoughts on mine. Again, you dont have to agree and I understand there are far more important things that need to be worked on such as bugs and netcode and overall development of the rest of the game.

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