Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Swapping coins is NOT tax free - but...

Brief as I'm posting this on my phone, but if there's interest I will add more detail on the computer.

When you swap coins, it's not tax free. In the USA. So buying doge, swapping in for btc, then swapping for grlc creates two taxable events. HOWEVER, if the swaps are done quickly and the market value doesn't change much, there should be no gain. Think about it, I'd you buy 1,000 of doge then trade it for 1,001 of bitcoin, you have $1 gain. Then if by the time you transact the second swap you get 998 grlc for your 1,001 of btc, you have a $3 loss. With transaction fees, you may have a deductible loss.

You should keep really good records and you should hire a local self employed young cpa to help you with this stuff.

Could you just take the cash you put into doge, and call that your grlc basis? Not technically, but you may end up having $0 tax difference at the end of the day

This doesn't happen in a vacuum, you could have wash sales from similar transactions on other exchanges.

To keep things simple, keep good records, do things in the fewest steps possible, and just buy and hodl!

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