Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Buying volume is more critical now than it has ever been on this trade

TL;DR - Fuck you. You need to read every word of this.

Forget all of the bullshit ape games. Right now. It is focus time. We are in a fragile phase today to bring in mass buying volume. FOMO, Gamma, FOMO2/Institutions piling in, that cunt Marge finally getting off her fat ass and calling a mother fucker or two. The buying needs to be lit to avoid a stall from volume exhaustion and a reset.

We need every fucking ape that reads this post to buy shares and PR hardcore tomorrow. I don't give a fuck if it's a fractional share on Robinhood, buy that fucking AMC stock.

Do you have cash coming up, like payday on Friday? You know the transfer won't clear your bank by Friday, so go head and initiate a transfer and buy fucking AMC Stock on the bank float.

If you are an options trader, buy deep ITM calls with a 1 Delta and pound the the $45 -50 strikes. Make them fucking pay.

Do you hold other stocks you think are in play while you wait for MOASS? Liquidate every other fucking stock you own that is not AMC (except GME) and put that money into AMC Stock, It makes absolutely no sense to baghold some junk you fucked up on. Ever. Rip off the goddamned band-aid and get that money back to work. The other plays you had going can be revisited post MOASS. You can enter into the ones still in play with a position 4000x larger than that chump change position you had. You know the one. You entered into it emotionally a Stockwits tip and a quick half assed look on Reddit. You have been praying to god it would just go back to within 5% of your cost basis so you could just sell that piece of dogshit. Sell it. We need all Benjamins on motherfucking deck right now.

You Sketchy? Like some cocksucker been dodging your ass cuz that bitch ass motherfucker owes you money, sketchy? Take care of goddamned business you fucking pussy. Collect-a da cash, buy-a da AMC stock, capuche?

Have you been protecting your precious cost basis average like this shit was Dogecoin? It no longer matters. They only math that matters to you now is how many fucking shares you own times what the fucking stock price is. The more shares you have the quicker you get rich. If you have money, buy the stock Einstein.

Are you trading Crypto and have no idea what you are doing? Like buying every fucking coin that's running and selling every coin going down every six minutes and fifteen seconds? Just fucking stop. Exchange it for fiat and buy AMC Stock. Do the math, there isn't another play in any of your portfolios (except GME) that will yield this gain for you. Combined. Buy like 5000 Bitcoin after MOASS if that freezes your banana.

Are you flat fucking broke but have some shares? Are you just an ape trying to get by, not adjusting your beer budget but eating Ramen and reusing condoms and shit? You absolutely did what you could afford to do like a boss ape before MOASS and you are simply tapped out. You're that ape that bought shares when you really needed (not wanted) something, but you made do and sacrificed so you could get those three shares on that epic fucking dip. You're that ape that fucking hodled like a motherfucker when you needed money for some unexpected event but figured that shit out some other way. Why? You have conviction. Cuz you a goddamned diamond handed ape and ain't no paper handed bitch. You gonna get paid AND gonna to expose the largest abuse of our financial system in history while you bask in your glory as one of the AMC Apes. That. Is. Fucking. Why. So, ya'll don't need to do shit except watch candles and party when you hit your goal. You're all good. We fucking got this. See you sumbitches on the moon.

Rememeber it doesn't matter if you buy all in at the open, or later on when some cash you feel like you can risk frees up and go all in on a little dip. Maybe you say fuck it, and split it up and buy little dips all fucking day cuz that jacks your tits. Bottom line is Just buy if you can and place directed limit orders at the ask whether its once or a few times throughout the day.

Finally we need P to the motherfucking R and it needs to be turned up to 11. FUD Posters gonna be on full attack mode today. If you do not have the wrinkles to respond with facts, don't reply at all. Don't give them what they want which is the illiterate shit Charlie Gasparino retweets that makes us look like bunch of idoits. Right now we need you warriors and the wrinkled brains to reply with a link to the BEST FUCKING DD WE HAVE or a great YouTube channel with minimal hype (I recommend Roensch Capital if you want a newcomer to drain their bank account on AMC Stock) there will be a shit ton of people looking into AMC tomorrow testing the waters for FOMO buying. Outsiders need to see compelling arguments to get them to engage further. We need that click to gain that baby ape. They ain't coming to see why some ignorant ape screaming shillbot , who coincidentally just tracked a charter plane owned by Ken Griffin around Europe for absolutely no fucking reason, is investing his money on a failed movie theater company. They need to see that this is the short squeeze of a lifetime with actual facts, charts, data.

That's all I got. Godspeed Apes. There is no guarantee that even if we do all of that shit I typed while completely stoned above, that AMC stock will go up one single penny today, let alone squeeze. And none of this stupid shit I said is not financial advice and all opinions are my own. I don't know shit about fuck and that shit up there seems insane.

What I do know after studying all of this obsessively for the past four months is that we are at a setup where the data we have available is red fucking hotter than ever before. Another thing that is different this time is that its not catching us off guard. I don't know about you, but I was ready to fucking go Monday morning. I had my funds prepared, my strategies set. I felt on Friday based on all of my own and the community DD I knew we were ripping.

Good Luck. To the moon baby, one mo time.

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