Wednesday, January 12, 2022

To the apes who came in AFTER the January sneeze—what made you decide to invest?

A lot of us (including myself) first invested in GameStop due to the craziness of the events in mid-late January 2021. I saw some weird shit on the bets sub, looked into it, saw that GME was at $30 up from like $8. I still didn’t bite. Eventually, I noticed even more commotion about the stock on Reddit, so I looked up the price. $80! It was at $30 like a couple days ago! That’s when I really looked into the thesis, and that same day I decided to invest.

I remember getting in at $90, then watching the price go into the hundreds…then just as swiftly falling back down to $80. That’s when I told my brother about it, and he threw some money at it. I also told my dad about it, but he said he didn’t need to add any more risk to his portfolio (he’s a 2017 Bitcoin guy). Of course once he saw the price hit $300, he just couldn’t help himself. He put in 300k lol. No bullshit.

Over the next few days we watched the price go up to 480…and then down again. He held all the way until around $60…and then he sold. Ouch. I guess that’s what happens when you invest purely on FOMO. Luckily, I doubled down right after I saw DFV do it. Not NEARLY as much as 300k, but still, it was a large amount for me…and the rest is history :)

I know a lot of us have somewhat similar stories, but I’m mostly interested in the apes who came in later. What made you decide to pull the trigger? Was it the OG GME sub? Was it SuperStonk? Or did someone convince you in person? I’d also love to hear from the January apes, too. I’m just curious as to how we all took different paths and ended up in the same boat.

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