Monday, July 25, 2022

Proof of Stake Alternatives

So Ethereum is merging to PoS soon, does that make it good? Well not exactly, PoS is still a system that enables the richest network holders to control the network. We can go back and forth about the pros and cons of PoS, but instead, let's briefly look at some alternatives and create a discussion.

Proof of Work
Bitcoin's Proof of Work, the original blockchain technology. You mine the token, receive it, and do whatever you want with it. Wanna earn more tokens? Use the earnings to purchase better equipment to mine more tokens. To control a large number of tokens in a PoW system, you'll need to constantly reinvest and upgrade your equipment to grab a larger market share. You mine an invalid block? Well, you wasted electricity to mine the block, creating a more natural ecosystem than PoS. On top of that, Bitcoin has its halving cycle.

Proof of Time
PoT, developed by Analog, is a consensus mechanism that combines aspects of PoS and PoW. In PoT, validators receive additional tokens like a PoS system, but lose tokens for submitting inaccurate or malicious transactions, like PoW. The system focuses on how long a network validator has been active as well as their reputation. A unique approach that mixes ideas from two of the largest consensus algorithms.

Proof of History
PoH is notably used for Solana. Creates time stamps that prove a block was created at a certain time. Transactions and events are hashed with the SHA256 hash function producing a difficult output that is almost impossible to predict and then using it for the next transaction. Think building blocks, if you remove one in the middle it all falls. The issue with PoH is the requirements to become a validator, strict hardware requirements, and a large holding of SOL, but at the same time, nobody can "control" the technology (unless you're FTX).

So what do you guys think? Will PoS continue to be used in the long term, or will previous and new consensus algorithms take the stage?

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