Thursday, October 18, 2018

Here are a few things to keep your eye on in the coming weeks/months... These have helped me navigate my way through bubbles in the past...

This prolly coulda get lobbed into the daily, but ehhh whatever I already typed it here....

Google trends is surprisingly insightful and often overlooked....,Cannabis%20Stocks,Marijuana%20stocks,Buy%20Weed%20Stocks

Play with some words/phrases... Mess with dates.... Ill crack and scramble this egg for ya... It typically moves along with price! We experience growth during price spikes! Boom surprise!
The trend is on the rise... that is all that should be considered here......

Reddit Metrics

Here we can view this subreddits growth..... (albeit a bit lagged since apparently some features on reddit suck balls, cough cough search)

Basically, I would like to highlight one or two things..... Id like to put emphasis on the surprisingly low key nature this has taken on... Ive spoken to countless "canaries" or people w.e. out in everyday world.... None of em have a clue whats happening to the north. Besides a handful of segments only this past week, there has been hardly any coverage or exposure to this event..... It is literally all this past week.

I look at the general sentiment among not just weedstockers, but among other investment/trader communities..... many here on reddit, and you can look at any subreddits subscriber base from /r/Stocks to /r/wallstreetbets all the way to /r/investing and heck, ill even lump in the dreaded ohhh no, not the crypto.... yeah /r/bitcoin and /r/bitcoinmarkets.....

All in all, we are tiny over here at /r/weedstocks.... Its revolutionary and ground breaking and world changing, but its as if most of the laymen are in disbelief its actually happening. There are a great many people still ignorant to the whatever, green rush.....

Soooo, I am of the belief, this has significant amount of room to run..... I know that the future is going to hold nothing but earning reports from actual sales, which is just fucking gonna be awesome in and of its self.... but also, I know there is an array of news releases and mna's and all sorts of development and growth in the sector... I know there will be many a heavy set of eyes as the entire nation watches during the quickly approaching elections... For all we know as he US parties try and secure respective victories, we could see them rally behind the marijuana movement, hell, its one quick way to garner young votes, i mean votes in general. Its 2018, which ever side aligns with weed in the next election is going win..

Sooooo monitor the general sentiment... whats in the air.... whats on the charts.... whats making ath's.... watch the trends.... watch the subscriber growth.....

Watch these things more than you watch your positions or your trades or your balance.... Don't get off the shuttle early... this is just the airstream that drives us out to the launch pad..... rocket isnt even warmed up...

We got a ways to go losers... hang on tight!

These legacy stocks we sittin on... ya don't sell that shit, ya pass it down to your grandkids....

Insightful tools/mini pump /over Sorry, holding some mpx was a good day. Excited... Good luck fellow weedstock buddies!

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