Thursday, October 4, 2018

Monument of Satoshi Nakamoto in Kiev - Video Report

The first virtual monument of Satoshi Nakamoto was established in Kiev. This have become an important event in the blockchain world.

CEO of Startup.Network Alexander Soroka was an initiator and implementer of this idea and opened an event with remarkable speech.

He told that Kiev is the first city with a virtual monument of Satoshi Nakamoto. He mentioned that after Kiev this idea will be picked up by Los Angeles, Miami and Switzerland. All virtual monuments of the Bitcoin creator will be unveiled during this fall and winter.

The organizer also noted that initiative to create so-called virtual cities belongs to the global community, and Kiev will be the first of them, so its citizens can be proud of.

Following Alexander Soroka, the well-known entrepreneur and venture investor Andrei Kolodyuk, the founder of iForum Alexander Olshansky and a number of bitcoin-enthusiasts, also held the floor. The honored guest of the event was a crypto investor, businessman and founder of CoinJapan, Satoshi Mishima.

More info here → r/

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