Wednesday, October 24, 2018

TEMCO’s progress report!

Since KYC registration started, we are sure that many of you know TEMCO’s sales events are coming up soon. To think of what TEMCO has done so far, important partnerships, and news, we want to organize and inform you of what we have done so far.

As per TEMCO being the first Supply Chain Data Platform on Bitcoin Network through RSK, we are very excited (just as everyone else is) about the upcoming events; but before we go forward, here are few recent events that happened in past couple of months.

  1. Invested by KIP
  2. Made partnerships with TLDR
  3. Made partnerships with Foundation X
  4. KYC Registration

First, as you all know, TEMCO, has been invested by Korea Investment Partners. So just wanted to mention briefly that how amazing it is to receive funds from the largest investment firm in Korea. KIP is a traditional venture capital, who have invested in successful companies such as Naver, Kakao Talk and many more. Knowing that KIP is a big deal, and TEMCO has proven to be invested by them, Coin Desk reached out to us to shout out about the event and tell the world about TEMCO being the first dApp on Bitcoin Network, through RSK’s side-chain smart contract technology.

Second, we’ve made a partnership with TLDR team, a leading crypto advisory firm, specializing in tokenization of projects and cybersecurity. Thomas Graham, Alexander Yamashita, and Graham Friedman are in it to win it. As part of TLDR team, they will advise TEMCO in development of the project.

Third, TEMCO team made partnerships with Foundation X, one of the best global accelerators for blockchain projects. Foundation X will advise TEMCO in building global network, developing the business model and investments.

Lastly, we’ve started our KYC registration on October 12th!

Opening of KYC registration system is an amazing news for TEMCO fans and future supporters to come.

It is a time for celebration for all, because opening of the KYC registration system means that we are going to have initial offering very soon!

Through the partnerships and support from TEMCO fans we have made it this far and more to come. The team appreciates your help very much.

Also, not to forget, our other partners, BLOCKCHAIN i, Deblock, Nenia, Blusis and last but not least our technology partner, RSK.

From these companies to fans of TEMCO, TEMCO team has been progressing to the moon! At no time we’ll go beyond the moon by having our sales events and many more.

Currently, we have couple of events going on and please join our telegram to find out the details!

Thank you for supporting TEMCO!

Fore more information, pls visit:

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