Wednesday, November 7, 2018

[EVENT] In Attempt to Assist Economy, Donbass Makes Efforts To Recognize Bitcoin as 'Alternative Currency'

The Communist Party have always been a progressive bunch, sometimes too progressive. On this day however, the Party has taken a new undertone to the issue of currency and their economy - they have discussed it with the Minister of Economics, a Communist who used to run the mines in Donbass herself and has come to the conclusion that accepting bitcoin as a potential currency and even opening up a national bitcoin exchange at a later date may assist with that.

This naturally would come at a cost however as it could be interpreted as the "New Swiss Foreign Bank Accounts" for "dictators and tyrants wanting to keep their riches private."

Unless, of course, it's hacked...

Despite all concerns, the Vice President, in the President's stead to make state visits, has requested Russian assistance in the formation of a national crypto-currency. "This is the future, we will be a part of it." Besides this, it would be a massive undertaking to even request assistance from a nation that has since banned the crypto-market since 2014 and it would be quite costly to the computer scientists to begin marketing the same businesses that South Korea and Japan have in the form of "crypto-ATMs".

"This is going to work. It will." ~ Vice President

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