Wednesday, December 5, 2018

An important message to the community.


Just wanted to stop by and give everyone a small update. To start, we want to thank every one of you for the continued support. Those who joined our community over a year ago, present and future Wanchainers. We've come a long way. 

January 2018: Mainnet launch.

July 2018: Ethereum integration.

October 2018: Testnet Bitcoin integration.

December 2018: Bitcoin integration (and first of its kind).

Not to mention the countless partnerships, events and press releases we've launched over the course of the year. We are building the infrastructure for the future. Wanchain is setting the foundation before anything else.

Here are some of my answers to counter some of the uncertainty seen across our social channels.

No one uses Blockchain

Blockchain has only recently been studied in depth by individuals and corporations at large. Despite being around for many years it isn't until the past year that anyone outside of the crypto space have had the opportunity to dive into this technology. Proper use case takes time but the projects building out now have a big advantage. They are at the forefront of innovation. Building the future tools and platforms the new digital economy will rise from. Some will fall and others will prevail but soon enough we will see an influx of new users. Once it becomes easy to use the different blockchains and dapps - but we are heading in the right direction.

What do Airbnb, Uber and Netflix all have in common? More power to the people.

Uber lowered the barriers to entry to become a "taxi driver".

Netflix has made it easier for indie film makers to get exposure.

Airbnb allows anyone with a home to eamlessly rent it out

Bitcoin changed the way we transact value with others without relying on central authorities.

This interoperability is not needed

No single chain will rule them all. Each chain has its own infrastructure, community and language. With the world rapidly growing and people "becoming more connected" than ever before, how can we fathom a digital world that is divided? Imagine cross-chain as the "translator" between all these blockchains. Each chain with its own language needs to be translated for the other blockchain to "understand". Wanchain is building to become that translator. Facilitating the transfer of value between any blockchain. The use case now is and will be different to the one tomorrow but it is one that will eventually be a requirement to advance. We are fast and highly adaptable. We shifted our business strategy and weren't afraid to admit it (Phasing out Wanlabs). If our current strategies don't work we will change them around too but we are very confident about our platform and the need for it as this space continues to grow. Without interoperability the crypto space will not be able to advance.

You do too many crypto partner announcements

We established many big partnerships and collaborations in the past months: Maker Dao, Chainlink, Chain Accelerator (part of Station F) and more are in the works. We are building up this ecosystem with key partners. Each project, company and individual that is part of this will contribute to the growth and quality of the ecosystem. We don't wait for better days to announce important things. We announce them as soon as we are ready to. Everything else is noise.

Bitgo WBTC is a threat to Wanchain

Many roads lead to the same destination. One road might be faster. Other roads might feel more secure or look more appealing - but there isn't one right road. As for the Bitgo WBTC we are pleased that there is a centralized solution. Our solution will however eventually become completely decentralized and trustless. Wanchain is the platform which will shape the internet of value by connecting all the different blockchains and achieving the vision Bitcoin set out to build when it was created.

Read more about our WBTC solution here

What are you doing? We don't get many technical updates.

We are focused on development right now. We want to make it easier for developers to build on Wanchain. We are also in technical integration talks with top projects. Bridging blockchains is one part of our story  As we bridge all these blockchains we are also bridging the various communities. 

Our team has also finished most of the PoS research and are working on the technical architecture. It won't be ready until late 2019 but once it's out, it'll be grand. 

Internally we've come up with some impressive strategies that we believe will make Wanchain stand out again going forward. Similar to what Consensys and Joe Lubin just announced with their refocusing and restructuring, we've had to make a few layoffs as the market is in a slump, but our development is going stronger than ever - hitting milestones at an unprecedented rate.


As community members we want you all to stand together and spread the word. We are moving closer to adoption but the journey ahead is still long,

Stay tuned - we have some super exciting announcements coming up that we can't wait to share with you.

Thank you

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