Saturday, December 1, 2018

Hyperbitcoinisation: when will it come?

Hyperbitcoinisation refers to the moment when the leading coin completely replaces the money we are accustomed to and becomes the most important means of payment for the whole planet. It will be distributed through a whole chain of actions that will be performed by individuals and companies, and not by any one monopolist of the market.

Analysts consider this event as a critical feature, after overcoming which bitcoin will remain alone and will serve as the basis for a new type of economy. The arrival of it will contribute to a new large-scale economic crisis, which will be characterized by the monstrous hyperinflation of all currencies. As a result, conventional means will lose any value at all and nobody will need it.

When exactly this will be is hard to say, although experts already say that the trade wars between the US and China, as well as the critical increase in the debt burden of developing countries that have reached unprecedented proportions, can serve as a starting point for the unfolding of such a crisis.

It will not arise tomorrow or in five years, but the unstable financial system of many countries, the huge debt of the United States, and the decrease in the purchasing power of billions of people will lay the foundation for its emergence. Like all types of crises, it will begin with the collapse of one of the markets and pull the entire chain along, as it was in 2008, when the mortgage market in the United States collapsed and the global financial crisis began.

Since bitcoin is independent of the usual economy, or its influence on it is too small, people will start buying it in bulk. Demand will become huge, and the price for it will jump by several orders of magnitude. The process will take at least a decade after the beginning of hyperbitcoinisation.

Governments and regulators will not be able to restrict its movement, as they will lose the instrument of influence. Usual means will become useless and people will be forced to use bitcoin as a means of payment. According to some experts, this may begin after 2030, when the digital economy will begin to dominate and spread even in developing countries.

Thanks to this, bitcoin will become a gold virtual standard, as gold now performs a similar function. The result of such a worldwide distribution of the leading coin will be a complete transition of mankind into a virtual economy where there will be no place for usual methods of payments, transfers and earnings. Artificial mind will be the main regulator in this case.

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