Friday, January 18, 2019

Get Your NEBLs of an Exchange

Unless you were under a rock, you should know that Cryptopia was recently hacked. Good news (somewhat), mainly ERC-20 and ETH was stolen. This is not the last hack and it should only encourage users further to take control of their crypto/digital assets. Neblio undoubtedly is a great digital asset. Compared to most other available cryptocurrency options, Neblio has the competition beat by far. Focusing on safety, privacy, and control of your Neblio should be a priority.

The issue right now in the community is not taking responsibility to help build the ecosystem. We as the community should do our best to not only give "constructive" feedback, but also pitch in anyway we could. The best way we could help develop and foster the ecosystem is by encouraging fellow community members or holders to take full advantage of Neblio's technology.

Recently Tachyon was recently, on time too. The boost to the network has increased the average joe's staking capacity regardless of their small holding size. The upgrade should have encouraged users to download the new wallet and begin staking. Staking is relatively easy, there are plenty of guides, questions already answered on the various Neblio channels, and support from the community to help a fellow member.

The problem is there still are an overwhelming amount of Neblio holders storing/holding their coins on exchanges such as Binance. We have to get the message out that there are multiple options which are better than keeping your coins on an exchange.

1) The Neblio Team has created a solution which Binance should have enabled for their users, a staking pool. High level, when you deposit neblio to your wallet on discord using the Tipbot, your Neblio's stake. The way the pool works, as explained by Eddy, the amount of Neblio you hold in your tipbot wallet on Discord stakes with other users Neblio within their tipbot wallet. Users receive random stakes proportionally to the amount of Neblio they hold in the tipbot wallet which is staking. As a community, we can encourage or maybe incentivize others to use this solution instead of holding on exchanges or even just for fun. We can all lead by example and use the wallet regardless if it is a tiny amount. You cannot lose out from staking and engaging with your fellow community members.

2) NEBLIDEX. . The decentralize exchange which is powered by the Neblio network and whose native token is NebliDex. NebliDex is a great platform because it gives users a two for one wallet. You control your wallet keys and it functions as a home for your Neblio and Neblidex. Not to mention, Neblidex can hold your Bitcoin, Litecoin, and other various NPT1s. As another move against exchanges, we should use decentralized exchanges. Neblidex is at the forefront of decentralized exchange technology, no permission to trade your cryptocurrencies necessary. I truly believe if we adopt Neblidex as a community and use it to conduct not only Neblio and Neblidex trades but Bitcoin and Litecoin as well, the community would grow stronger. We can set our own prices, see what the market will really pay for assets. Binance and Cryptopia can get hacked and all your cryptocurrencies can be stolen, Neblidex arguably cannot be hacked. And it will take a lot more work to hack Neblidex than any centralized exchange. Fact.

3) Obviously your desktop wallet.

4) Last but not least, Orion.




Neblio does not exist because of these exchanges. Neblio exists because of the internet. Take advantage of its powerful

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