Wednesday, January 2, 2019

If you have any sort of authoritarian control over a community (online or off) and you are censoring content/individuals who reflect the style of the most renown individuals in the subject, you might want to ask yourself to stop.

I've seen this in so many communities that are centralized/authoritarian. Reddit, and other similar spaces where control of everything rests with some sort of owner or royalty types, creates this sort of forced ignorance regularly:

There was a Socratic philosophy community where the "mods" admitted that they would happily ban Soctrates himself if he were to post the sort of stuff Socrates was reported to have typically said (challenging others to think for themselves, and pushing them to admit their own ignorance).

There's the Bitcoin community that says that decentralized governments/communities don't work, and that control has to be used to keep things a certain way. They'd probably ban Satoshi if he/she/they ever showed up.

There're the many, many "science" communities which actively reject peer review, and censor diverse ideas, information, and critique, and instead only promote their own beliefs about who is allowed to speak, as if they were some kind of Christian Science type of religion-with-a-hipster-name. They make almost all actual scientists who aren't corporate puppets (or shills) feel unwelcome.

And there is the Futurology community that fears deep philosophical discussion, playful, creative, and innovative theories of science and culture and evolution, and mostly just promotes a small handful of the "mods'" personal politics about current events, and very short term corporate tech inventions, and which, of course, thinks that centralized/authoritarian control is the only option, and that violence against the community is necessary to maintain their control. Us actual futurologists are regularly downvoted, censored, or, in the case of the Discord, actually banned.

And there are the sci-fi communities that snarkily use the tactics of the "bad guys" from the universe they are fans of to take control of the community, and seem to honestly believe that they are the "good guys". Those of us who model ourselves after the "good guys" are censored, banned, and otherwise made unwelcome.

It's pretty impressive. And took me by surprise, almost every time I discovered it in each individual community.

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