Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Part 1: The Future in 10 Years (In-depth)

Since my previous post about my vision of the future has garnered some attention and discussion, I thought it would be good to discuss the first part of the vision in deeper depth as it created a lot of discussion of its probability of becoming reality. I will break it down as much as I can. I will like to note that I am doing this because if you have this knowledge and information, you can make better more informed decisions of the future.

Sometimes, you can see the future. Sometimes, the enemy reveals their hand. Everything I write will be a combination of both.

For example, everyone on r/C_S_T is surprisingly still discussing cryptocurrency as a viable alternative to fiat currency. This will not happen. There is no need. The only need for crypto was to avoid fees and create a global currency based on imaginary value once again. We seen this with the fluctuation of the prices. Who dictates the prices?

Well for one, the FBI holds the most Bitcoins out of anyone. So they definitely can or probably do make impacts on the market all the time. Crypto works as a penny stock. Ethereum was backed and supported by employees at Google. Does not ring any alarms in your head?

The top three cryptos: Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Ripple have solidified their place. Is it not strange that all three of these currencies were funded, researched, and supported by executives in Silicon Valley? The very place that steals all our data?

Early in 2018, we all saw an anomaly in the market. I do not know if you noticed (not many made the correlation), but the same day that the stock market crashed -666 points, the top three cryptocurrencies' prices fell down to

Bitcoin: $6000 Ethereum: $600 Ripple: $0.60

Let me ask you, what is the probability of such a thing happening? The same day? Why was it 666?

It was more of a message to Trump who just recently signed an executive order that froze billions of dollars in assets on a list of people more than a thousand pages long.

The corrupt wealthy wanted to send a message that they still control the market. That despite the efforts of Trump, they decide where our money goes and they can crash the market whenever they so please.

And that was why I knew it was the perfect time to buy back into crypto after their horrible crash in January. And sure enough, after the crash down to 666, everything started going back up.

And I sold it soon after. Why? Because it is a penny stock. Since many corrupt wealthy individuals are now having the assets frozen, are being tried, being arrested, being hunted, they have to hide their money but want to see a return as well.

Has anyone seen the subreddit r/Cryptocurrency? Or any specific cryptocurrency sub? It is basically a page of penny stock news. They leak information exactly as a penny stock creator would do. And you can follow the news with rises and falls in the price. They are basically taking you guys for a ride.

So you might be thinking, well wtf do we do if the stock markets are rigged, crypto is rigged, and we might crash the economy if we stop fiat currency since all our bonds are connected to other countries.

Let me give you the current situation and reveal how simple it really is:

-Saudi Arabia, after their government change, reached out to Trump and asked for help in the tech industry. They wanted to pull out of oil because they saw no future in it and wanted to become a primary tech powerhouse in the world.

Trump agreed but on couple conditions:

  1. Saudi Arabia must start being progressive in terms of their ideals and cultural practices. They have started doing this. Women are allowed to drive now and dress as they please. A hugeee change in their society.

  2. Saudi Arabia must buy oil from the United States.

And guess who is now the world's number one supplier of oil? Yup, the United States.

This was one small development in terms of the US economy.

Yes, China owns our bonds and debt but the situation is actually really quite simple and we got to witness some of it last year.

Why did the trade war with China never materialize? It wasn't because of Trump's expert maneuvering or anything like that. It was because China has no choice.

They slap tariffs on products we bring over there, and we do not slap tariffs on goods they bring into the United States. Are you starting to get the picture? It was a one sided deal. And we were allowed to pull out whenever we want.

We made China into the economic powerhouse they are today. They did not do it themselves. We literally lifted them from the rubble and gave our middle class in exchange of our own.

And this only happened by a simple trade deal of removing tariffs on their goods and allowing our goods to be taxed. That's it.

So Trump is like bad deal, and throws it out. And guess what? China has no choice but to accept. Yea, they can grumble and threaten a trade war, but its all empty words.

As soon as we completely overhaul all the trade deals with the world, we will see a return of wealth in the United States of at least $800+ billion/year. And that's just the beginning. Once manufacturing makes a full return to the states, people around the world will be racing to buy American products, most likely going to be the highest quality goods in the world.

And this is where my vision of returning to the gold standard comes in. Of how it is possible within the next 10 years.

In order to convert back to the gold standard, the value of gold must be around $10-12k per ounce in order to handle the amount of currency we have. It currently sits at $1.2k. Very easy.

The United States holds the most gold in the entire world. Are they just holding it for fun or for history's sake? No, because the return to the gold standard was always on the table.

Once we return to the gold standard, we can remove the Federal Reserve. We wouldn't need people manipulating the market with interest rates. We got something physical that holds everything together.

I heard people saying: "Prepare for the worst case scenario."

The worst case scenario is actually behind us. It would have been Hillary Clinton.

They tried so hard to get us to manifest the reality that Hillary Clinton will be the next president. They failed. Why?

Because our mental fortitude has been slowly growing in the past decade.

I heard people saying: "Oh, I seen this before. This is another cycle that civilization goes through and then we fall back into their grips of power."

I never seen or read in recorded history of what is happening right now. There is one huge game changer that no matter how much you planned, how much you prepared, no one can handle and that is the internet. The one variable factor that upsets all plans or attempts at controlling the future.

The fucking internet. And they are trying so hard to combat it. They are already about to implement the citizen score system in China. And do not think for a second that they do not already have that same system in place for us, but hidden. And trust me, if you are on here in this sub discussing such ideas, your score ain't that great. You are probably labelled as a risk.

This is why we are not able to repeat the same cycle.

Yes, you are comfy in your home, but right now, in the rest of the world is starting to wake up. A lot faster than those in the United States.

Proof? -France and the yellow vests

-South Korean citizens protest and force the previous president out of the office for corruption

-Armenia overthrows their government twice when they attempted to control the people

-Venezuelans are overthrowing their government

These events have all been transpiring in the past couple years. We are waking up, together, at the same time, all around the world. This has never happened before in history. Why? Because there was no internet.

So we can't repeat the cycle. There is no going back anymore. Only forward. And the future is bright.

So I will go over the events that will transpire in the next 10 years:

  1. It will be revealed that government organizations such as NASA and the CDC have been mismanaging funds and pretty much have not been doing their jobs properly for the past decade. The current administration is going to clean house and flush out a lot of the employees who are responsible for this. Therefore, we have the government shutdown. After 30 days of government shutdown, you are allowed to let go of furloughed employees. And trust me, there is a list of people who will be let go. It will be one of the cleanest flushing of trash in our government and you cannot even blame Trump because both Republicans and Democrats are responsible for the shutdown as either side wants to relent to one another.

Also, Trump has issued a new policy for federal employees that instead of scheduled raises, it will now be merit-based raises. This attracts actual competent workers and gives them incentives to work harder to move up, rather than laze around and wait for their automatic raises. This also forces employees who have been slacking off to get their shit together or fall behind.

Once NASA is cleaned up, they will be given a huge budget (you can look it up yourself, Trump afford an unlimited budget to NASA for a trip to Mars, but that was only to force NASA's hand and have them reveal that they are inadequate and have been doing nothing to begin the shake up within their ranks) to actually start implementing a lot of hidden technologies such as gravitational field generators. This will make travel significantly cheaper. Remove all pollution from the world, and remove the need for batteries. We will also be able to use gravitational waves to communicate and connect to the internet, removing the need for radio waves and WiFi signals which are actually harmful. Gravitational waves can move through mass, therefore we do not need antennas and signal towers everywhere.

  1. The Vatican Church will fall. We are already witnessing this. Lies upon lies, the pope screaming that anyone who accuses the Catholic Church of child molestation is Satan himself, yet the very next month, enacts procedures to start bringing priests and cardinals into check. It was actually just last month where the number two person in the Vatican is charged. Once the Vatican falls, their library (which has over 15 miles of shelves of books) will be revealed to the public. As it rightfully should have to begin with. This new knowledge is going to change a lot of things in our society. One of which is the Bible itself. A lot of concepts we follow today will be changed. For one, we will discover that Jesus was not even his real name. That Jesus never wanted to be a religious symbol used in whatever way authorities saw fit. In fact, Jesus did not even want to gain popularity. Which was why he always moved to another town after he started gathering a following.

  2. Economic prosperity and technological advancement on a scale and exponential growth we did not see possible. A lot of people here seem to say that if we were to get off fiat currency, everything would crash and burn. Do you think we would really do that if we knew everything would implode? What about the alternative that the GDP increases tremendously instead? What about the possibility that it corrects the market?

-Japan is already working on the Space Elevator

-Stem cell research is reaching new heights

-Cures for cancer is already discovered. The current administration is trying to figure out how to implement it without creating an economic black hole. Why? Because of geriatrics. We will have a huge influx of old people living longer and our current system would have them rot in senior homes. We wouldn't be able to handle it. We have to encourage seniors to exercise and get their bodies back into shape. There are people who are in their 70s that are still physically able and fit. This is possible for all of us. Consistency and discipline is key in exercise!

  1. Military tribunals I don't know if you know or not, but the mainstream media hasn't really publicized it, but Trump is not even being investigated by the Mueller special council. He was never investigated to begin with. It was a witch hunt to try to find some dirt on Trump. But they are failing embarrassingly. All they have is Cohen and he was a pawn Trump was prepared to throw out for his seedy financial history.

But guess who is being investigated? As we speak? The Clinton Foundation, the Obamas, and the Bushes.

I would like to remind you that it was only last year that the heiress of Seagrams Alcohol was arrested on charges of human trafficking. She is a billionaire btw. She was teamed up with another billionaire and created a sex slave organization called NXIUM.

It was last year that the Paradise Papers was published. The articles that implicates a shit ton of people including the Queen of England in tax fraud and laundering. There are still people working to get this into court.

It is a matter of time for these people.

Unfortunately, I have to get back to work and finish up some assignments so I am going to have to end this here.

Hope you guys enjoy and gain some hope yourself of the bright future ahead of us. Much love you guys.

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