Thursday, February 14, 2019

Atriark is a Digital Asset financial Community.

Atriark Digital Asset Platform and Services.

In the year 2017, the digital crypto market has marked an outstanding height by growing at 3300%. Although, the cryptocurrencies involves some fundamental steps like money transactions, value accumulation, value measurement by passing through a process. Currently, the cryptocurrencies are considered as the assets for the investment, not as money.

In a year of time, the cryptocurrency had faced many up and downs despite that the cryptocurrency investors had set a record in the year 2018. One such significant event is ICO telegram, in which around $1.6 billion was raised from the institutional investors.

According to the CME Group, the volume of Bitcoin is growing every month in the financial institutions since after the launch. On an average, around $100 million Bitcoin is traded on the daily basis. In-fact PayPal, the largest online payment system has recognized the power of Bitcoin and is using it as a form of payment, sooner Ethereum will also join the system. Shopify, an online store and a retail point-of-sale also accept the Bitcoin as a payment medium.

Using Bitcoin or any other cryptocurrency, the user can book and order the products and also can use the services of the other companies.

As per 2017’s data, the cryptocurrency market is small as compared to the orthodox markets. The security market has made $73 trillion, the real estate at $217 trillion, and in the complete verge, the cryptocurrency market has made $0.6 trillion which shows the market is just at its beginning days. In case, it runs at its full potential then it is possible that the cryptocurrency will run the financial system of the world. So, it can be safe to say that cryptocurrency has the potential to give significant growth to the market.

The evolution has brought the attention of many new investors, marketers, in the lure of growth. In the market, a new term “HODL” has already born which means the crypto community members who hold their cryptocurrency and the investment position and predicts that it will increase the value. It is very similar in the way, the businesses, investors who do not want to invest in the assets but still want to earn profits and need credit solutions.

Fiat cryptocurrency gives the opportunity to earn more or generate revenue from the cryptocurrency market.

Atria Development Limited operates on the Blockchain technology and smart contracts on the platform. The platform gathers the brokers, traders, investors, and exchanges over a decentralized network. The open and fair network makes the financial system more global.

In this way, private investors get an open platform to showcase their abilities and attract investments from all over the world. Hence, the strategy gives them a quick and rapid scale in the market.

The advanced technology creates an autonomous and transparent system for its users for proper investment and profit distribution. Atriark gives the most imperative solutions of the redundant problems which arise commonly in the cryptocurrency market. For example, the limitlessness because of insufficient data, doubts in the process and lack of transparency.

For the development of the platform, it is very crucial to raise the fund against it which will help the Atriark platform financially especially in terms of marketing, advertising. Atriark is the native currency of the platform which is used for all kind of operations or distributions related to investment and profit.

Market Opportunities So who are these people who participate in these Business processes:

Business Associates

The traders of a company are those people who already have a trading history and who are ready to obtain investment and are responsible for money management. And the money acquired through them is distributed at some proportion to the managers as well as the investors. Though, the manager does receive the commission from the profit fee plus from the management also.

Business Investors Here in the cryptocurrency platform, no investor can directly raise their funds and start trading. Rather an experienced trader is responsible for all this job, from investment to management of the fund. In this process, the investor sends their money to the manager and the profit earned by them is distributed to the investor as per shares they hold.

Trading Brokers

A company without brokers, not happening. As brokers are like the backbone who carry out all the trading activities on the licence. Traders can access the financial instruments like exchange and over-the-counter markets through the means of the traders.

The size of the cryptocurrency market is growing rapidly, every year the market is earning billions of profit. According to the Global Asset Management 2017 report, published by the London Consulting Group is that the total amount of funds is above $90 trillion in the management.

Industry Challenges

To reach a goal there are some challenges which need to be resolved. But before that one should have the knowledge of the problems like what are they, specifications, parameters affecting it and much more.

Premium mining hardware One can take advantage of the crypto mining only when it is done with specific task hardware especially by A-line hardware. At present ASIC-processor based machines For eg: Bitmain Antminer S9.

High-cost Electricity and Unstable energy supply

The main factor which affects the profitability of the platform is its cutting cost on power. There are some countries like Norway, Iceland, Sweden and Baltics which have excess electricity because of the fully-developed inter connectivity and infrastructure, as well as renewable energy sources. The platform receives the profit from hi-tech factories and data centers in the form of incentives from the government support.

Security and Reliability

The maximum mining efficiency is obtained without compromising the reliability and security. The mining center is located near a reliable source of electricity. The miners mine almost twenty-five bitcoins in a day at difficulty level. So it is very important for a platform to provide security to the user.

Top-Notch Professionals

It involves a team of highly-skilled engineers and construction experts to run the mining center on the modest run. The team boasts the competencies and qualifications of the platform to build, install and operate on the industrial-sized mining facilities. Members of the Atriark have managed to create the data centers Market Requirements

The power Blockchain holds is quite more than a definition of cryptocurrency holds. Maybe the crowd haven’t tasted that much success, it can give. And that time is not that far where the ledgers will identify its true potential. The blockchain technology is continuously evolving and making the world revolutionize at its cost by bringing the transparency in the system. Especially in those industries where analysis by the public is important. At the international level, where the world is full of multiple agreements based on the diplomacy and to accept them multiple examinations are performed. To avoid them there is only one way i.e Blockchain technology.

It can be completely guessed, sooner the way of conducting the contracts is going to change because of the revolution brought by the blockchain technology in the market. It can be simply defined as a chain of blocks or the set of ongoing transactions which help the manufacturer to track the record of the system. These blocks are often named as distributed logs or the versatile ledgers of the multiparty system. Through this means anyone in the system can take a view of the chain and verify the transaction agreements on the system.

There are multiple sectors which need a renovation of blockchain technology:

Retail Industry

The reports of E&Y shows that the retailing industry holds the gross size of around $650 billion and above. And a major part of this gross size is under an organised sector. Also, the figure in the report states that only 1.5 % of that size is utilized for the innovation purpose. For this, the retail management takes hold on the ERP and POS at the corporate level.

The technology will make the company aware of the quantity of the product and the exact item in the real time. This makes the reinforcement and replenishment will be sent exactly where it needs to be sent. It means when the reinforcement is required it can be made through POS which signifies the ERP will trigger the flag to shop the item which needs to fill in the store. And this can be done easily by implementing the blockchain technology in the system unbiased.


Blockchain has the ability to eradicate most of the health disparity from the nation. It can be beneficial for the poor, the person who doesn’t have Health insurance can utilize the technology by denying all the scenarios. But for that, the social security number must be linked to generate the subsets by the government on the ongoing transaction such that the insurance giving company and the treatment giving hospital gets connected and the right treatment on right time is provided to the patient. In case there is a failure in the verification, then every node in the chain gets to know or vice-versa. So that each node in the chain executes the transaction.

Banking Sector

One of the important aspects of any import based industry is the banking credit. So for the customer base, the credit is directly linked to the bank or the issued letter on that behalf. For example, An Y company wish to get connected with Z company which is not a native one. In this scenario, the Y company have to generate a letter of intent in his bank such that the company can pay the amount to the respective bank of Z after verification. Although, the verification takes in several steps like matching the inventory of the company, clearance whether it can be imported or not. Although, the blockchain technology gives the facility of EMI payments plus minimises the data redundancy at the multiple facets of the system on international banking.

It’s obvious, why there is so much evidence of companies inheriting the blockchain technology and why the cryptocurrency is popular in between us. The most prominent reason is that the process is decentralized, anonymous and yet safe. It is because of not a single body regulates or authorities the cryptocurrency flow in the world. Technology To monetize the real-time transactions and to receive the updated order book, it becomes necessary for the company to install the advanced technology. So that the trade execution can be done simultaneously on the platform along with resolving the challenges. For example, Scalping, Algorithmic trading and market making. Client Support

Most of the platforms take customer service in the least priority. In fact, the customer service model is more focused on the resolving issue rather than serving the user. The time taken by the services to respond to the customer is generally so high that the user gets fed up and left. Even there are some exchanges are present which doesn’t even bother to respond the inquiries. There are a number of examples which takes almost a month to clear the process. For example Kraken, one of the leading exchange company which takes 30 days for KYC clearance.

Hence, the Atriark’s customer support team has implemented the customer service which is completely based on the human-centrist model. This ensures that every coming request irrespective of the department it belongs is efficiently managed and responded. Studies show that the customer exchange response is the key factor when it is all about the growth of the trades.

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