Sunday, April 7, 2019

Sometimes I feel like the world actually did end in 2012 and society since then has completely collapsed.

Before I start, no, I'm not talking about any of that "mayan calendar" BS. But it seems like the world was overall just a much better place before the year 2012. Of course, one could say something similar like "the world was better before 9/11" or "the world was better before the internet." In my opinion, society really started to decline in 2012 and has now become a cesspool of hostility, retardation, identity theft, and many other things.

Let's start with hostilities. After natural disasters like Hurricane Katrina in 2005 and the Joplin tornado in 2011, survivors banded together in kindness. Well-wishes and sympathy for those affected came from all over the world. Contrast this with Hurricane Irma in 2017. How did people react?

  • "Screw them, they deserved it!"
  • "Climate change was responsible for this!"
  • Or long tweets with strings of emojis that do absolutely nothing to help.

As a matter of fact, those three things seem to happen with every single natural disaster or tragedy that makes it onto international news headlines. Not to mention I've even seen people literally celebrating the deaths of the victims of such events and greedy YouTubers profiting off of them, and it absolutely sickens me. 23 people were just killed by a tornado in Alabama, but "God forbid one of them MIGHT have disagreed with MY political viewpoints" or "Just stupid yankees, who cares" so they deserved to die? What the fuck is going on in your heads people? Get your fucking shit together!

I'm not even going to go into international relations and how the US and Russia, for example, have been pushed to the brink of war. And I don't want to hear any stupid shit like "muh it's america's fault" or "muh it's russia's fault" because that debate would exactly prove my point.

Retardation. Oh boy. It seems like since 2012 the "zombie smartphone apocalypse" as some people have called it has completely exploded. You can't go anywhere in public without seeing someone with their face buried in their cell phone or seeing an infant that can barely walk holding their parents' iPad, because their mom or dad can't spare two fucking seconds out of their trendy lifestyle to pay attention to their own fucking child. Also, since when has it become acceptable for a child's first word to be "fuck" or "shit" or some other swear word? Nowadays, either they learned it from their shitty parents or the Internet. Shocking.

1989 vs 2019: A man is drowning in a public pool.

  • 1989: Oh my god, I think that man's drowning! *goes to flag down a lifeguard*
  • 2019: Hahaha, what a pussy. Hey, are you recording this? I'm gonna get so many likes and replies on Snapchat!

And before anyone asks or calls me a hypocrite, I'm typing this on a desktop computer that's almost as old as me. Planned obsolescence is another thing about modern technology that really pisses me off.

Example: Laptop from 1996? Works perfectly fine. iPod from 2014? DEAD.

Finally, that thing I mentioned about identity theft. There are plenty of other things I could vent about, but as to not make this post the entire length of a novel, I'll keep this section short (and it will be the last one.) Nowadays, especially since 2012, it hasn't been a question of what hackers know about me, but rather what they don't. Pretty much all of our personal information is out there and practically everyone with enough bitcoin can access it. What information about you and me is not out there already, and what the hell will they end up using it for?

That's it. That's all I can go on about in one single worthless reddit post. I could go into how YouTube (and most of the internet) has become a completely intolerant shithole, how mass shootings have become a regular occurrence (no gun control debates please), or how fucking vending machines are literally more dangerous than sharks. So go ahead and do whatever the hell you want with this post. Upvote, downvote, flag it for all I care.


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