Monday, July 15, 2019

To Mr. Coblee....Proposing to LTC foundation to fund development of a “LTC Idea Funding Forum” similar to Monero….Lets SCALE UP Litecoin development.

Seeking community donations to go directly to Litecoin Foundation.

**If some Litecoin foundation guys would provide a donation address that would be great since the Litecoin Foundation website only provides a donation address on a 1 hour time limit thru coinbase.

I posted about this topic before… but now Im seeking donations for the LTC foundation.

I am an extreme litecoin believer. It’s my most held coin.

I also hold Monero and I see the comparison between BTC maximalists views on Litecoin and Monero. Many maximalists talk down almost every crypto project - including litecoin - but they have a silent respect for Monero which they never admit to. This is because Monero is 100% development focused and has a VERY cool use-case - total anonymity, more than all the other privacy coins.

Monero’s main development fund source is its crowd funding forum and if you look through it, you’ll see its quite an efficient system for commissioning more innovation and enhancements to the project. — newer forum and design — original forum with many completed tasks

Litecoin NEVER pre-mined, or built into it a treasury... so, Litecoin has no other significant funding other than donations.

I whole-heartedly believe a great way to \*FUEL INJECT*\** more use-cases and more innovation for Litecoin, would be a similar crowdsourcing idea/funding system like the one Monero has…. Basically - lets all pitch in and get LTC foundation a lot more funding!

A community idea/funding forum will allow funding enhancements to litecoin and the litecoin ecosystem. And be a more liquid revenue stream for Litecoin Foundation so they can scale up development at layer 1, layer 2 level, and around the Litecoin ecosystem (hardware wallets, exchanges, events.)

Today Litecoin is an $8 billion market cap coin WITHOUT a focused development fund forum… so just imagine where it can be at if Litecoin scaled up more development by providing LTC foundation with community funding to not only scale up Litecoin development, but even work on Bitcoin development!

After all, Litecoin’s primary mission is to make Bitcoin even greater. So why not start now being a core contributor? Working on updates to Litecoin and Bitcoin would put LTC foundation on a level like blockstream in this space.

Another great way to raise funding would be Charlie Lee or Xinxi to have a Andreas Antonopoulos style patreon in which Litecoin super fans can contribute on a monthly basis.

Between 200,000 Litecoin redditers and 800,000 Charlie lee Twitter followers,

I imagine a Litecoin/Charlie patron could get at least 2,000 monthly donations, maybe even more with great incentives.

2,000 donations * $10/month = $20,000/month to the LTC foundation.

Just some thoughts for @coblee and Litecoin leaders.

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