Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Bitcoin rulez and you can also keep your opinions on others choices with it to your self.

I'm sure a lot of you are going to be pain-stricken to hear of such events, but yesterday I chose to use a dirty old bitcoin/fiat ATM. But hold the spears before you hear me out. The greatest thing about bitcoin is no one can challenge how you spend your value when you see fit and never forget that. Also I understand if you're not a poor shmuck like I, then this post probably doesn't apply to you at all.

I've been in a rut for a long time, bitcoin and crypto helped me get partially out of that rut by seeing the potential when I got in early 2017. But let's be honest, what fun is hodling? dreaming of things you could trade coin for in the future; always believing your sats will go further in the future. It is a very likely probability given the time btw, but life is actually precious. Pouring too much of your reward of working time of society into an asset hoping some day you'll get rich, again not saying that's not likely but I am saying what's more likely is you're becoming blind to the greater investments in life. the progressions in other technological fields that you may have been excited about but had your dreams fade over time, perhaps for the same reasons that brought you to the great orange currency.

I wanted to get into a specific field of work over the summer, having 3/4 of the physical gear required but missing some critical pieces and not having the fiat as my credit is ruined, my bills keep me stretched, etc; I couldn't complete my work goal. Fast forward to the past weekend, thinking about cyber Monday and black Friday and knowing I had a chunk of coin and a bit of fiat to work with I decided to pull the f*cking trigger, just like buying bitcoin I traveled to a bitcoin atm, fully prepared to pay the fee. I planned the entire expense out to the T, and I really asked myself "is this what I want? do I see value in this?" and I remembered the Rick and Morty meme with the bitcoins, where retard Rick is saying "hey if you see value in this, and no one else does, who cares". Even if 99% of you guys don't see value in what I've chosen to do, I don't care, because I do and even in time if the value of what I've traded my coin for falls. Perhaps I've used that equipment to make twice as much coin as most of you could hope to achieve threw simply hodling what you have. Perhaps I'll be wrong but also perhaps bitcoin will be in a quagmire for the next 2 years and I have lots of time to recoup any trade losses anyways while everyone greedily hodls and waits for something called a moon lambo---- IT'S CALLED THE TESLA CYBER TRUCK BY THE WAY.

All I'm trying to get at is bitcoin is YOUR freedom for YOUR choices, no person or bank, relative or friend should discourage you from using it as you see fit, which is exactly what satoshi designed it for. If you want to spend your bitcoin, do it if you can justify the trade in value- it was a hard choice to part with coin for this hardware but I see the value it can bring me in the future and to me, that's all that counts because in the last 24 hours my attitude is up more then bitcoin has been in the last 2 years because of my choice.

I want to mention though, anything I've ever bought by trading coin for fiat or directly, I treasure and take great care of. The first thing I ever bought with bitcoin was an umbrella which I used tonight to keep me dry and not cranky, it's just next to me as I type. Do what you see fit with your sats, if it keeps your feet dry when you're between pay then it sounds worth it to me, because those sats can always be bought back if you keep working hard because you're still in good health.

Live long, love bitcoin, use bitcoin and improve your lives!

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