Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Today's Factory Run

I was in the depths of the factory zone, bullets whizzing past me. I look to find cover within a room. The mechanic had sent me to repair control boards within the factory, due to recent events with an attempt to bring down the bitcoin market. As I had rushed into the room, I was immediately spotted, as a PMC had also taken cover within that very room. I knew that one of the control panels was in an adjacent room, the one with a forklift, but was worried that I would lose my life instead. I bolted to that room, trying to avoid being shot to my demise. I immediately begin repairing the control panel as quickly as possible, making sure to do it right. In my focus, I never bothered to look back. Nearing the completion of the repair, I hear a voice. Right behind me that very pmc who had followed me in and snuck up on me. He said "Good work." I had stupidly gone in without a weapon so in order to spare my life, I had offered him a deal. See, before I was in the predicament of being shot at and forced into this room, I had located an electric motor on the body of a dead scav. I thought that if I had offered it to this pmc, he would spare my life. Surely enough, when I asked him to follow me, he complied. I couldnt believe it. We rush over to the dead scav and I physically showed him that I was looking around corners to avoid being shot, so that he didnt suspect me leading him to a trap. We took the lower tunnels to the room where the scav was and I dropped the motor out of the scav. He took it happily. Soon after, a damn scav attacked us. I ducked and hid, but I had been shot in the torso and was bleeding bad. Luckily for me, this new friend I just made owned an M4A1 and swiftly took out the scav. He looks to me and I exclaim that I had been bleeding. He hands me an IFAK pack. I thought about how nice he was for that and bandaged my wounds. Well, apparently stupid me had an IFAK in my secure container Gamma and never needed it. I gave him my full IFAK in return. He thanked me for the full IFAK. We walk out of the room, careful of other scavs who may be watching. As he is watching, I go to loot the scav. The scav didnt have much, though the MP-133 on the body would make for some help. I pull it out and follow the pmc, who was planning to exit the facility. I then had a deep, dark thought. I have this shotgun, and if I shoot this PMC in just the right spot I may kill him and have his riches of his Attack 2 backpack. I pushed that thought aside very quickly as he takes out another scav, though this one had an AK-103 and a scav backpack, not to mentiom the MK3 armor rig as well. I step back to let him loot his kill when he stepped back and told me to loot it and that I can have it. I carefully take the riches from this scav and we head to the exit. We both stand near the door waiting for extraction, and I thank him for the help he has given me. The extraction teams come and we are both out of there. I head to the mechanic, turn in, and he pays me many roubles for my troubles.

This is based on a true story that actually happened in Factory. I love these people and hope to have more stories that are like this.

TL;DR : Pmc helped me out when I offered him somthing that I had him follow me to. Both of us had a successful run together.

P.S. If this is you, yes I would like to party.

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