Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Wanchain Telegram AMA - 05/11/2019 - questions and answers

location: t.me/wanchainchat

some of the questions and answers, sorry if I missed some!

  1. question: The current roadmap of Wanchain ends in 55 days. (When) can we expect to see a new one?
    answer: Yes we have been in many discussions about our roadmap next year. Hopefule we will release that by the end of month. Please feel free to contribute...
  2. question: Will WAN have any burn or buy back in the future, any plan?
    answer: Wanchain has burned the 21 million WAN (10% reserved for mining rewards) by sending them to an address where the WAN is not recoverable.
    Here is the address: https://www.wanscan.org/address/0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
    The tx: https://www.wanscan.org/tx/0x6bc3b697e48b95793aae27b8e9aa84f98eebe5beb024b4a051b5845ef547d865
    PoS rewards are explained here: https://medium.com/wanchain-foundation/wanchain-proof-of-stake-validator-economics-for-upcoming-alpha-testing-d57353a4d0f9
  3. question: What is the team doing more regarding marketing ? How much mcap wan is targeting? Competition is getting too much now..
    answer: We are working with a few new marketing partners. Revamping social media, leveraging our ambassador program but giving an extra boost when the DEX with RiveX launches. As well as other dApps we are looking closely at and hoping to have them deployed quite soon.
  4. question: Hello Mr. Lu. It seems integrating new existing blockchains to the wanchain ecosystem is a very slow process... indeed only 2 at the moment (ethereum and bitcoin)... one every 9 months... when is this time going to be reduced and by how much time... ? there are hundreds of blockchains out there... both public and private... I understand the success of wanchain depends on integrating as many blockchains as possible.
    answer: We are in the process of improving the cross-chain mechanism and make it more open. Once that is done, they will be coming a lot faster. BTW, we are working on EOS integration...
  5. question: Hello. What are your next major plans to boost wanchain ecosystem? Who is going to use wanchain network? Any significant partnerships?
    answer: We are working with FinNexus and RiveX currently to build the ecosystem. Also we are working with our partner on the cross-chain DEX
  6. question: Does wanchain work for interop with chain like hyperledger and such?
    answer: Yes we are working with EEA and Hyperledger on the interoperability standards
  7. question: Do feel financially stable? Do you still have funds from ICO to continue as going concern?
    answer: Yes, we have enough funds to continue our develoment in the coming years
  8. question: My second question is related to the Elevenpaths (Telefonica) / Rivetz / Civic / Wanchain partnership. Is it still alive? Could you please share any details about the progress of that partnership up to date?
    answer: Hey, I'll take that one. We have a few new things in motion with Telefonica's Eleven Paths. Due to NDA we cannot comment on the specifications but more is definitely coming :)
  9. question: We have seen many stable coins added to Wanchain (DAI, GUSD, TUSD, USDC). But I miss Tether... Are there plans to include USDT in Wanchain? It would be really helpful for WRDEX success IMHO
    answer: We'd love to integrate with USDT. It will only takes us a few days to integrate with the USDT on Ethereum...A little more challenging for the one on BTC though
  10. question: Next Question : will there be any AMA in binance group for more new users engagement for the WAN ? so many great projects are doing ama in exchange group, team should consider some AMA with current listed exchanges..
    answer: That's a great idea and yes we are planning to have more AMAs in/with other communities. After all, we are bridging technically (blockchains) but also their communities. We had a good AMA in the Cryptoverse telegram last week. We also intend to include more team members in future AMAs (business, technical, community, marketing).
  11. question: What's the progress of lanchain, is it wan 4.0 that's due the end of the year?
    answer: Wanchain recently partnered with PUC Berhad for enterprise blockchain solutions, more info can be found here: https://medium.com/wanchain-foundation/wanchain-partners-with-malaysian-digital-firm-puc-for-enterprise-blockchain-solutions-ddc823474395
    RiveX is also building on Wanchains private chain to offer enterprise solutions, you can find more info on what RiveX is doing here: https://medium.com/@RiveXOfficial/erox-the-enterprise-super-solution-explained-c5c776c0e6c0
  12. question: i was wondering if its possible to increase the number of validators selected and reduce the amount of reward per selection? Small nodes will get selected more frequently, so people wont just choose large nodes for delegation
    answer: That is possible by reducing the block time. We have many parameters to play around but all of them require code change. At the stage we want to gather enough data from the POS network before we make any changes...
  13. question: Hi Jack, which month do you expect storemannodes to be implemented? If all goes according to plan.
    answer: We are doing internal planning right now. Hopefully you can see our roadmap very soon...
  14. question: What work doing our team to increase use cases of wan?
    answer: We are researching Dapps on different chain and are focusing on cross-chain DEFI applications. That's why we are working with FinNexus and RiveX. Also DEX, Lending applications, Games are coming up...
  15. question: What's your take on mass adoption of wanchain? Do you have any plan or strategy to achieve that?
    answer: It will be a long process but will be faster than internet mass adoption. We are working with mobile partners like Telefonica and Pundix get us well positioned. Also we are looking into DEXes, DEFI applications, integration with Libra and DCEP and etc.
  16. question: Hi @jackxlu, what will be the boost of WAN in 2020 to build confidence, create awareness and more adoption? Also why work on a cross-chain DEX when you can also work together with a cross-chain DEX, for example Switcheo/Neon Exchange?
    answer: Each partner has their own technologies and their own priority. We just want to push that forward as soon as we can
  17. question: Hi @jackxlu what is the status of the blockchain interoperability alliance with aion and icon? It’s been a while since there has been any news on that. I know that the focus has been for each project to get their mainnet built and properly functioning. Since all 3 now have working Main nets and projects starting to deploy, will you be working more closely with those other projects again in terms of interoperability?
    answer: Hey Tim! There is no update here. Projects are focused on their own roadmaps for now and as Jack mentioned above, each project has its own technology so there isn't much need for the interoperability alliance right now. We will, however, bridge all chains together it's just a question of when. We hope to collaborate more with Aion and Icon going forward but we have to continue working on new integrations and eventually come out with a plug and play solution.
  18. question: Is tokenization of building and other real world stuff in wan program?
    answer: On the enterprise side, we are mostly focused on interoperable reward programs (like with Telefonica's Eleven Paths, PUC Malaysia) as its a blue ocean right now. We are however talking to a few of our partners about creating joint ventures (tech + business) in Asia and Europe. We will leverage each other's technology stacks and business contacts.
  19. question: You only mentioned WAN POS TPS is more than 1000+. Can you showcase the TPS to the community ? Or is there any already we can see it ?
    answer: Our research team has been working on gathering and analyzing POS data in the past few weeks. We should have the research data published very soon
  20. question: Is it possible to integration with DCEP? I doubt China will allow an altcoin do that, please confirm it.
    answer: It's too early to tell but we do want to get the right partnership and make that a reality
  21. question: @jackxlu how about SDK for popular programming languages like c# and java? For smart contract development you will only support solidity programming language? I understand the initial choice of this, take advantage of the network effect of developers that already know solidity, but what about all the others?
    answer: We recently released a SDK for Java. As long there is a demand, we can easily do for any programming language. For smart contract, we are looking into EWASM and hopefully we can support many programming languages for the smart contract
  22. question: Can you share something about the legal status of Wanchain in the US, are there any legal issues/obstacles for getting listed on a US regulated exchange in the future?
    answer: No legal reasons stopping us from getting listed in the US. We want WAN to be available to anyone that wishes to use our platform. Having said that, there are a number of discussions happening and we are taking necessary precautions to stay ahead, it's just taking very long. That's all we can say about that right now, Adam.
  23. question: @jackxlu can you talk about the recent events in China and their impact on Wanchain? what is wanchain doing to take advantage of china opening up to blockchain?
    answer: The recent events in China are very exciting. Many people approached me for possible partnership. Our team in China is so busy in different talks in recent days. Wanchain 4.0 release is coming up by the end of year and we have been working with EEA and Hyperledger on the interoperability standards. We have Lanchain as our enterprise solution and Wanchain can integrate with any other types of enterprise blockchain solutions. So we are really well positioned to take advantage of the current blockchain boom in China in the coming years
  24. question: Any concrete plan on embark more developers to wanchain ecosystem? Team alone won't make it in the long run.
    answer: We plan to build https://wandevs.org/ out further. Wandevs is a community of developers working on technical documentation, cross-chain dApps and tools for Wanchain. We had a soft launch but plan to increase the number of developers and incentives in this program through new guides, challenges and vitual hackathons. We are for example talking to 0xcert now about doing a cross-chain NFT virtual hackathon in the new year.
  25. question: Hi Jack Lu. Amazing to have you here! You perhaps have already answered this question, but will the others blockchain projects ever be able to integrate themselves to Wanchain (plug & play system)? Waiting for wanchain team to do the whole work can be hard.
    answer: Our plan is to get the solution perfect before our dev community or other projects can integrate with Wanchain by themselves
  26. question: Hi @jackxlu, @machinayz has there been any progress with the potential Belt and Road initiative contract that you spoke of in a previous AMA? Thanks.
    answer: Sorry Steve, we missed this. There are no further updates here. Li Ni and team are working hard on it though :)
  27. question: Jack Lu, thanks for your work. Wanchain is growing a lot. My question: Are you talking with any retail company for partnership?
    answer: Not yet but it's a great idea because Wanchain can serve as a gateway for multi-coin payment. Any suggestions?
  28. question: @jackxlu Is there any plan to improve node management ? to pass "partner off-chain" to "partner on-chain" ?
    answer: Not at this point but please send your requirement or suggests to me. Thanks!
  29. question: Do you still believe in Wanchain becoming a top 10 project? Thank you both Oliver and Jack for your time and answers¡ It has been a great AMA.
    answer: Sure I do believe that. And thanks so much for your support!

Thanks for everyone for participating, sorry if I missed any questions/answers. Stay tuned for any upcoming AMAs!

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