Wednesday, August 19, 2020

[Meta] We are a trending sub yet again. New users read here!

Hi again! so we've hit trending once more. and with being a trending sub we get big waves of new users. This sub thrives off of committing to the bit. If you can't familiarize yourself with the rules, and be believable then you will probably end up getting your posts removed.

For those of you who are able to do so - WELCOME! We hope you enjoy or dumb little corner of the internet where you can relive an age of the internet that has long passed us.

I know the rules are in the sidebar, but for the lazy, here they are again.

1.Do Not Break Character

All your posts should be written from the point of view of someone in 2010.

If you must break character, use a spoiler tag. You can do that by typing around the content. Please use this sparingly.

The only exceptions to Rule 1 are as [META] posts. You do not need to stay in character on a [META] post, or in the comment replies to a [META] post. Please refrain from making [META] posts unless absolutely necessary.

2.No Future-telling, Ironic or Otherwise.

Do not make a post or comment that predicts the future. Examples include

  • “This new Minecraft game will NEVER be popular."
  • "Wouldn't it be weird if Donald Trump ran for President?"
  • "Have you guys heard of Bitcoin? this thing will never catch on."

This rule is strictly enforced for posts. It is slightly relaxed for comments, but your predictions should be believable.

3.Stay on date

Any posts or references from something in the future will be removed. However, if the original cannot be found, you may upload a modern mirror. Provide a spoiler explanation for why you are using a wrongly-dated mirror.

You should also focus on events current to ten years ago. A breaking news story from 2007 is not a good submission. A thoughtful opinion article from 2007 probably fine.

Posts and comments which do not stay on date will be removed.

4.Maintain the Charade

Yes, the BBC lists a ten year old story as 10 years ago. Yes, the sidebar stories are modern. You are not funny or clever if you point that out, and your comment will be removed.

If someone posts a modern mirror of old content, act like it’s old content. If someone makes a mistake or breaks character, do not double down on it and engage in character. Point out the mistake with a spoiler, and/or just report it.

5.Be Civil

Heated debates about Obama doing a good job and when Half Life 3 will be released are more than welcome. Ironic name-calling and hostility, however, tends to breed unironic name-calling and hostility. Be nice.

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