Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Know What is an ICO (Initial Coin Offering)

Currently, Initial Coin Offering or commonly abbreviated as ICO is on the rise at this time, what exactly is an ICO? Some people say that doing ICO business is one way to quickly become a millionaire. Is it true? Come on, see the following reviews.

Definition of an Initial Coin Offering

Initial Coin Offering (ICO) or it can be interpreted in language as initial coin offering, has the intention of being a method of obtaining or developing funds through crowdfunding.

Crowdfunding is an alternative to obtaining funds, where later those in need can be met with investors through a platform, one of the crowdfunding platforms that are familiar to our ears is the Goldario GLD Token platform. A very reliable and 100% authentic platform that is in the token sale stage right now. In the token sale, 1 GLD Token is equal to 1 USD. After the token sale, the price will be increased because This is one of a unique ICO which is asset-backed.

Crowdfunding can be said to be a good alternative because it is not bound by government agencies, moreover, this alternative is very supportive of the advancement of the technological era so that it makes it easier and can be done by anyone.

ICO itself has another name, namely Token Generation Event (TGE). The funds raised from this ICO are in the form of cryptocurrency from investors that can be found on the internet.

Well, this cryptocurrency is a cryptocurrency, which has a role as a medium of exchange in digital form. This cryptocurrency system works in terms of controlling all activities, an example of the results of this cryptocurrency system is bitcoin which was born in 2009. This cryptocurrency is a system based on a technology called blockchain, which is a digital book that contains all transactions that occur.

Usually, startup companies that are running their targets, use the ICO method to get crowdfunding by selling several digital tokens to the target (investors) so that later the company can get capital for project development.

How an Initial Coin Offering Works?

Before implementing this method, companies must prepare a proposal or white paper containing complete information about the project being developed. The information starts from the background of the project development, vision, and mission, how the process or how the project works, the people who are responsible for this project, including details of the funds required must also be attached. Not only that, but there are also still many details of data that must be attached so that the proposal is very complete so that it can provide a definite objective of how strong a company is willing to develop this project and can make investors confident in providing funds.

This proposal or what is known as a white paper should contain complete and accurate information to prevent unwanted things because there are also some of these ICO methods that have failed because the methods are used by fraudulent people or the term is called SCAM.

“Don’t waste your precious money by spending in FAKE and Scammed ICO. Join Goldario GLD TOKEN and start your journey towards success.”

Get Started with Goldario Today!

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