Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Uninstalling ESEA

So I got fed up with ESEA and their awful support and ban system and decided to leave their trash platform and go to FACEIT. I went to delete my account and a message popped up saying "Goodbye and thanks for all the fish". I thought this was really scummy from them. This is a reference to the movie "A Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy", and is referring to ESEA being "the dolphins" who are smarter than their users "the humans" that left earth right before it gets destroyed and said "Goodbye and thanks for all the fish" while leaving. It could also be referencing their user's subs feeding ESEA rich owners fish. Whatever the F it means, it's really scummy. Also, back in the day they got caught mining bitcoin from their users computers, which is a great segway to the last topic I wanted to point out here. ESEA installs malware on your computer. Go to your temp directory "C:\Users\yourusernamehere\AppData\Local\Temp" and find the ESEA driver that they install with their client to your PC and that does not get uninstalled after you uninstall the client. The ESEA driver file is called ESEADriver.sys and you cannot delete this file because it says it is being used by another program even after rebooting and having nothing running. I also googled around for 2 hours until I finally found how to get rid of this malware file from my PC. The only way to delete that shit is if you go to your cmd and type sc delete ESEADriver2.sys. Hope this helps some people move away from this awful org to FaceIT. Also lastly, there is a forum topic about deleting this ESEADriver and esea locked the topic without answering how to remove it. You can find the topic here: "https://play.esea.net/index.php?s=forums&d=topic&id=1127146"

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