Sunday, November 22, 2020

A few questions from a noob

I’m just getting started and need some advice and questions answered.

  1. I’m only using my iPhone for this so would it be a good idea to setup cashapp then schedule it to buy maybe $10-20 (USD) worth of bitcoin a month?

  2. Is now a good time to get into this or should I wait for a dip? (If there even will be one anytime soon...)

  3. If cashapp is a good idea... then what wallet for iOS would you recommend? I don’t really want to invest in an offline wallet yet since I’m just getting started.

  4. I’ve read about the “not your keys, not your coins” thing so how would I have my own keys with a digital wallet on iOS?

  5. Is there anyway to do this anonymously or close to anonymously on iPhone? (Since that’s kind of the point of them)

  6. Lastly, in terms of taxes... is transferring bitcoin from an exchange to a wallet a taxable event? Or is that only if I sell them? (Which I wouldn‘t)

Any other tips would be greatly appreciated as well. Thanks in advance!

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