Thursday, December 17, 2020

Weekly Discussion - December 17th - December 24th, 2020


Neo Global Development Ecosystem Growth lead, John Wang, participated in a panel on non-fungible tokens and DeFi at the Cutting-edge Games Conference virtual event.

Neo founder, Da Hongfei, participated on a virtual panel hosted by Jinse to discuss cross-chain technologies in the blockchain industry.

NNT Catch Up

Da Hongfei published an article on CoinTelegraph discussing his belief that Bitcoin’s network security will diminish as block rewards decrease and BTC storage grows on other networks. The article expanded upon three possible solutions: increasing fees, integrating smart contract and DeFi support, and increasing the BTC token supply.

Developer Groups

COZ rolled out a new release of Mamba, its Python SDK for Neo developers. A major milestone featuring over 8,000 new lines of code, the latest version most notably includes the interoperability layer, which is used alongside a virtual machine to process smart contracts. V0.4 expands the blockchain helper class to support basic node functionality in the SDK, allowing complete interaction with Neo networks based on the current Preview3 build.

O3 Labs integrated support for ETH and ERC-20 tokens into both its Android and iOS mobile wallets.


December 7th, Bridge Protocol announced the BRDG-NEO trading pair on Switcheo had relaunched.

December 9th, Novem announced plans to launch a DeFi protocol. The Novem Gold Protocol will be used to manage liquidity pools, commodity storage pools, and refinery pools for various precious metals.

December 9th, Switcheo received near-unanimous approval from token holders to move forward with a major node software upgrade. The day prior, Switcheo proposed to update TradeHub to v1.9, allowing users to deposit and withdraw ETH and NEO, contribute to liquidity pools, trade, and more. Node validators will have until block height 5,115,000 to complete the pre-upgrade steps. Switcheo anticipates reaching this block height around 4:00 am (UTC) on December 16th, 2020.

December 9th, Moonlight co-founder, Tyler Adams, demonstrated the Vivid identity solution at the ZilHive Accelerator Demo Day 2020.

December 10th, Nash released a Beyond the Chain podcast episode with Crobox founder, Rodger Buyvoets, to discuss data analysis, feedback loops, and more.

December 10th, QLC Chain architecture advisor, Dr. Andreas Freund, contributed to a Metro Ethernet Forum white paper about using blockchain for billing and settlement solutions.

December 11th, Nash launched an ERC-20 version of its NEX token on Ethereum. Users can now swap between NEP-5 and ERC-20 NEX tokens. However, only the NEP-5 version can be staked on the Nash platform. An ETH-NEX market is now available on Uniswap.

Token Listings

NEX listed on Uniswap.


December 15th: NeoLine hosting a virtual event with Binance to discuss ‘Multi-dimensional Analysis of Binance's Digital Currency Block Trade.’

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