Saturday, March 13, 2021

A Be Aware of Bitstarz Loyalty Bonus!!! This is Not a Beware of Bitstarz *** Must Read***

Before I tell my story I would like first add a few disclaimers as I find it necessary that this post is fully understood in it entirety:

This is only about the Bitstarz Loyalty Bonus and what all Bitstarz players should seriously be aware of and take note. Regardless of my story I stand by Bitstarz as the best online casino there is without any exceptions. I swear by them that I even have their link on this post, despite what your about to read.


1) This is not a customer service issue as they were never contacted and I have no plans on doing so as there was no legitimate reason 2) This is not a violation of any Terms of Agreement by Bitstarz nor by myself 3) While any part of this is open for debate, poor money management has nothing to do with my stated issue. If anything I would hope that one should hopefully learn from my poor money management and not repeat my mistake(s)

Last week was an absolute disaster for gambling online as I broke every rule imaginable when it comes to common sense and the complete lack of money management of which I as an experienced gambler should have followed completely. I’m primarily a Sports Gambler but every so often sit back and relax to online slots as they are mindless and skill-less fun. Besides, every now and than you hit something big without any of the work you would normally put in endless hours of painstaking research in predicting outcomes of sporting events. Last week I almost cleared out my bank account and despite all my efforts my handicapping skills proved to be fruitless as I virtually almost lost everything. So I start this story with the last $60 to my name.

My bank account almost virtually washed clean. Most of my losses that day had more with me going on tilt rather than stepping back, taking a break, and allowing myself to go back in with a clear thinking mind. At the last moment as I was going to deposit all of my remaining funds into my Sports Book Account but at the last minute divided it up some and put a small portion into my Bitstarz account. My total deposit there was a meer .3 mBTC (something like $25.). I impatiently bet the first play of live betting on tennis in my Sports Book and lost immediately. I was totally devastated and beyond disappointed in myself. It was only right after that moment I remembered about my casino deposit, couldn’t believe I even forgot about in the first place.

Now here we go..............

I played nervously from start betting absolute minimum as if I was scared to lose everything (another broken rule of don’t gamble with scared money). So out nowhere and I’m almost no time I started hitting some nice spins. So I upped my bet and it kept going. I was up 10 mBTC, 20 mBTC, up and down, over and over with the result always leaning towards a larger bankroll. I couldn’t believe it when I was up 30 mBTC let alone breaking 50 mBTC. This was all on my iPhone so not even realizing what I really was up I opened my Cryptocurrency Calculator and WOW!!!!!!! Here i was up not hundreds but thousands, it didn’t stop there either. I kept winning and winning all the way up to 92 mBTC. That day I think Bitcoin was around 48k so my earnings was up to around $4400. I stopped for a second and as i was actually about to click the cash out page I started thinking bonuses. All that playtime up and down, back and forth the money actually wagered had to have been astronomical. This is where greed took me over completely. I’ve had quite a fair share of time in brick and mortar casinos and always accumulated enough comps for anything I wanted. Including whole weekend stays and more. I played at Bitstarz for many months almost up to a year by this time. Bitstarz has a promotion what they call the Friday Loyalty Bonus where they give you free money the next Friday for playing at their casino the week prior. On a personal note I want to point out to everyone reading this that Bitstarz even claims on many message boards and online community forums that this is free money that they gave to you and nowhere on their website states you are entitled to this gift. This is all true but the only time I’ve ever seen a Bitstarz representative point this out is when players didn’t abide by the bonus terms and agreement, and many of those times it’s somebody who obviously was trying to defraud the casino. My money was solid and not tied to any bonus requirements whatsoever so I was free as can be. Plus, so many times prior I was rewarded quite generously I thought at the time so here comes my poor judgment. I think with all this money as leverage I can simply beat the odds with the laws of averages and while doing this raking in the loyalty pay (after all it’s called Loyalty Bonus for a reason.. right?) So I’m off to the races, minutes became hours up and down up and down. Well now the horror begins. My endless ups and downs starts leaning more towards the downside. Then the greed kicked in a different way, I was chasing old lost money (yet another major gambling rule broken.). Nevertheless, my wagering back and forth was easily in the tens beyond tens of thousands or more closely to the hundreds. I did remember at the time I believed my highest Loyalty Bonus was 9.1 mBTC and that was with nowhere near the play that I had this day. I was was still up and had moments where it seemed as a was heading upward again yet gravity was winning and my bankroll was going lower. By that time i was still up well over 1k and closer to 2k. I kept thinking that no matter what I’ll get back up and trying to factor in what my bonus was to be was ridiculous of me because I never knew the formula. Seemed about near the same as other casinos, I totally and up to today believed that on line casinos were like brick and mortar casinos (I mean there can’t be any other way to do it as from my understanding online casinos can give you more as they have less overhead so it’s the same ...Right?). I was down to my last $1K or so and hating myself big time because not mentioned until now was the hundreds if not thousands of times I said to myself, “One more spin and I’m cashing out.” Ultimately this entire story for that particular day was I’ve given all my winnings back and never felt more sick to my stomach in my life.

All gone!!! Why??? How could I let this happen? I punished myself in anyway you could think of for being so amateur as I knew better. So all that’s left I know for sure (this is what I get assuming) my Friday Bonus was going to be so high that I will have my second chance of redemption. I couldn’t even guess or come close to guessing. All I knew was if I was to compare my playtime and more importantly the money that I wagered back and forth, i was in for a payday.

Payday never came. Apparently there’s no such meaning of the word “Loyalty” in the Friday Loyalty Bonus!!! I knew something was off when they usually arrive somewhere around 9:30pm the preceding Thursday my time and nothing was showing, I checked over and over and over again. What’s the problem I kept thinking? I was looking all over the web for answers and hours later and somewhere around five pages deep is where I read a single sentence that a player had on the message board and he said something to the extent the representative had to confirm the amount of deposits he made to receive a bonus. I wanted to cry. Literally felt like crying. This was one thing that went against anything I’ve ever learned, been taught, or have read about casinos. The general is it’s how much money you wager, never what you put in. So I thought this was the only way it ever was.

I feel obligated to inform each and every person I can about this so they don’t fall in to an advertising trap by a simple word. Mine in this case was, “Loyalty.” What else could the word mean?

Finally, Bitstarz is by far the best online casino out there. They have the most generous sign up bonus of any online casino, and their customer service is above and beyond. Payments are the fastest I’ve ever seen anywhere. I have no intentions to stop playing there and though I feel misled in many ways. Bitstarz doesn’t promise this gift of a loyalty bonus. It’s sometjing they give for free and are not obligated to give any of it at all.

I just never thought they had to say that to legitimate players. Only the ones who violated the terms.Play at Bitstarz Play at Bitstarz Yours Truly, Author

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