Saturday, March 13, 2021

Coinbase Robbed My Account - Zero Accountability from Coinbase

I am just in complete shock about how Coinbase is handling situations on this subreddit, on various review boards, and even with my own personal situation. I have only used this app for one month and am just completely fed up.

Understandably, I had a pending deposit that resulted in an ACH issue worth $500 that Coinbase alerted me to, and understanding that I made sure to clear it by adding more liquidity to cover. I did that, communicated with my bank and they assured me that the withdrawals to Coinbase had went through.

Still, throughout the week, I was attempting to pay with my bank account as you can't with a debit card, but Coinbase refused to do so giving me the "We're having connection trouble, but your funds are safe. Please try again later today", 'you have to contact coinbase support to reinstate your bank account' , and all this other nonsense that just highlights their non-existent customer service.

I was so fortunate to wake up today, which is when they said they would recover payment, to see that more than $500 had been withdrawn in bitcoin (pretty much all my holdings aside from a small amount) and still unable to buy/sell/withdraw on the app. Essentially I was robbed and am still unable to interact with the currencies I have left.

At this Coinbase, if you do not respond to my complaints and case numbers, I will have to submit complaints directly to your state agency in pursuit of my money that you stole from me, the BBB, and engage in legal action. I am baffled at how this company has not been put under already, I hope to never do business with Coinbase again, and wherever I am able to leave negative reviews and prevent people from making the same mistake I did of joining, I will vehemently do so. Straight up thievery with no accountability.

*And to those people who have never had any problems with Coinbase, fantastic I am so happy for you, but just because you have never had any issues doesn't discredit the several thousands of others who have had their accounts locked and funds depleted by this shame of a company. Sure you may be ok now, but in the event that you have an issue then you will wake up and understand the reality of the situation.

u/coinbasesupport, please resolve my situation immediately I want to see my funds restored that you stole from my bank account, so I can leave this app with my own sanity before I punch a hole in the wall. It seems that coinbase support only responds to select messages and heightened threats, so do so with haste.

Case #05053355, #05056056, #05086770

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