Monday, April 12, 2021

A Message to the Future


The intent of this post is to present a formal declaration of my belief in GameStop, the reasons why I believe in it, and to send a message to the public in the future. This is not a karma grabbing post, I do not care if this gets down voted to oblivion, or if no one sees it. This is not financial advise, I'm not an advisor yadda yadda yadda...

This post will have two pathways, follow your respective path. One is for apes (the true believers, the moon landers). One is for the doubters (the skeptics, the flat-earthers).

My belief

Apes & Doubters:

I will make this portion brief, with a simple bulleted list of why I threw my hard earned life savings into GameStop in early January. I will not defend my beliefs, nor explain them in the comments. I am just posting proof that I believe what I believe, before the squeeze happens. Feel free to click any of the links below if you need more information (Or just browse /r/GME or /r/Superstonk for more glorious DD). If you believe in GME and are educated on the subject, you can skip this part.

A Message to the Present: Pre Squeeze


Although you feel isolated in your beliefs now due to the sheer amount of people laughing at you for purchasing GameStop, the feeling of isolation will be much worse in the future. You are a very small minority of people who fought against the manipulation and the greed of the top 1%. You will be isolated more than you ever have been. Prepare for this feeling.

I invested in bitcoin pre-2017, and was laughed at daily and borderline harassed for my strong belief in cryptocurrencies. The feeling was horrible. I knew that one day those same people that laughed at me would then FOMO into crypto, or realize that it is actually worth something and never realize that I was right. I realized that one day those same people would call me lucky, even though I knew there was value. Guess what? It happened exactly as I thought.

The only thing you can do is work on yourself, and find those with similar beliefs. Believe it or not, many apes are actually smart and can bring value to your life. Some can teach you, some can entertain you, some can become best friends. Intermingle with apes, and prevent isolation!

Lastly, there will never be another GME. This is not a once in a life-time opportunity. This is a once in the existence of the universe opportunity, savor every moment. Do not fuck it up. Remember the DD and the reasons why you invested. Nothing has changed. Hodl as if your life depended on it. (It kind of does)


You can laugh now all you want. Yes, it's hilarious that the brick and mortar retail store is so hyped!!! How could GameStop, the next Blockbuster, be the most valuable company of all time!?!? All these "Apes" are so fucking dumb, I can't believe they are wasting their money. GameStop has no value! /s

You will call me lucky, when the squeeze has been squoozed. But I am not lucky.

You know why I know for a fact I'm not lucky? Because I KNOW THE SQUEEZE WILL HAPPEN. When I buy a lottery ticket, do I know I'm going to win the lottery? Nope. If I win the lottery am I lucky? Yup. Is GME the lottery? NOPE. Will I make as much as if I won the lottery? Nope. I'll make a hell of a lot more.

If you opened your eyes you would be able to see the manipulation, and you would be able to see the reasons why GME will become the most valuable company in history. But too bad you won't. All you do is doubt. If you spend countless hours studying the situation, and countless nights of lost sleep and anxiety like I have, you would realize. But you are too lazy, and you will not do your research. You will blame and blame, "Why didn't you tell me about GameStop?!?!". The facts are all around you, you have been told, wake up.

A Message to the Future: Post Squeeze

Apes: Congrats. You fucking did it! You beat the odds and came out on top. Be different than the rich who preceded you. Give back to the community. Plant some banana trees to feed the homeless. Drive little people who are car enthusiasts around in your lambo. Build businesses that better the economy. Continue to sniff out the bullshit that is present all around you, as you did with GME.

Most importantly (in my opinion) EXERCISE YOUR CREATIVTY! Learn to draw, learn to code, learn to make music. Maybe even add some wrinkles to your brain and learn how to read you illiterate fucks.

What a fun ride to the moon and beyond. Thank you for the most wholesome, entertaining, and genius community I have ever been apart of. From WSB in its early stages, to the booming middle ages of /r/GME, and the future of /r/Superstonk, so many people have fought for what is right. Never forget this.

Doubters: Congrats. You fucking did it! You were an asshole, and laughed at me. You didn't lend an ear when I tried to explain things to you (for your own good), but that's okay. I will not treat you the same way you treated me. I will listen to you when you believe in something, and I will continue to sniff out the bullshit, and I hope you join me.

I know you will blame me if the BIGGEST SHORT a.k.a GME causes market turmoil. I know it wasn't me, I know it wasn't GameStop. It was the hedge funds, it was the SEC investigating browsing WallStreetBets and GME for manipulation literally drowning in DD proving hedge fund manipulation and not doing anything about it, it was the politicians sitting on their asses getting paid by tax payers.

Now that you see I am right, lay the blame on the correct people. Make good change in the world, rip the power from the hands of the psychopaths and the corrupt individuals.

Closing Remarks

If you feel that some or all of this rings true to you, feel free to leave a comment marking that you were here. Reference this post and your comment after the squeeze to anyone who claims you were "just lucky", or anyone who blames you in the event of economic turmoil. Fight against being the scapegoat as the common man always becomes. Do your part.

All bullshit aside, I will see all of you on the god damn moon. God speed.

Obligatory Emojis

The Rockets πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€
The Bananas 🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌
The Extra Raw Tendies πŸ”πŸ”πŸ”πŸ”πŸ”πŸ”πŸ”πŸ”πŸ”πŸ”
The Ken Griffin will make us these at Wendy's πŸ”πŸ”πŸ”πŸ”πŸ”πŸ”πŸ”πŸ”πŸ”πŸ”
The Secret Message 🐸🍦🐸🍦🐸🍦🐸🍦🐸🍦🐸

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