Friday, August 13, 2021

DeFined designed - DeFiNode printing service

Hello DeFiChain Community,

my name is Gabriel, I am an engineer from austria and part of the defichain community since the beginning of this year. I was convinced by the idea of decentralizing finance, the tokenomics and the social interaction where community members are helping out each other and treating each other with respect, friendlyness and are supporting each other, all along the journey. A big shout out to the community, without all of you the project woudn't be that awesome what it is today and really great stuff will come near future as well.

This post is all about the service that, Michael, you might know him from the community channels in Telegram, and myself are going to offer. As a community manager he takes care in answering all of the questions in his spare time for free at glance. (Careful with those impersonation attempts, folks). He will take care of the 3D printing ordering and delivering and I will take care of the website, marketing, legal and managing the processes allocated to the project.

The core idea is based on the DeFiNode community proposal and the DeFiNode Github Repo where you can run your own node on a Raspberry Pi easily installed with a bash oneliner or with a fully prepared image that you can install on your Raspberry, please choose your favourite method.

The value what the project delivers is giving the DeFiNode a proper housing. A case where the owner can choose the optical design by himself and gets it conveniently shipped to his home.

One fancy idea was a DeFiNode in the design of a jewelry box, which a community member was planning to give to his girlfriend as a present. Your creativity and imagination can be endless. Of course, you can also insert a full bitcoin node or any other raspberry pi project on it, where proper cooling is needed. There is also a storage for a HDD on the inside at the bottom of the box.

The service is hosted on the website DeFined designd - DeFiChain printing service and is available in english and german language.

For the beginning there will be the box printed and shipped, while you can order the parts from the DeFiNode shopping list by yourself and putting it together on your own. I had also got feedback from people that don't want to touch this by themselves. Thats also a point what I would like to get feedback from the community if this would be a handsome service for some members that are not that deep into running their own infrastructure at home.

The project is also referenced on DeFiNode Twitter and it had very positive feedback in my personal twitter channel. There is also a Telegram Group where we can speak about the technical details and experiences and share our success stories.

I divided the project calculation in two parts, the upfront costs, where the MVP is already delivered and publicly available and the ongoing costs which will come up when the printing of nodes is requested.


Upfront Costs

hourly rate amount € accumulated DFI accumulated (2 €)
website development 110 65 7150 3575
creation of digital Version of STL files, coloring 75 3 225 112,5
ongoing website development, improvements and ongoing maintenance 75 60 4500 2250
projectmanagement 75 11 825 412,5
representing the project on local events and blockchain groups, marketing and social media 75 40 3000 1500
documentation 70 4 280 140
taking care of your data - personal details, shipping address according GDPR, legal 95 6 570 285

Costs per Unit

manufacturing material 9,5 19
+ material overhead 3 6
= cost of material 12,5 25
+ production wage 5,5 11
+ manufacturing overhead 2,5 5
= costprice 20,5 41
+ service effort 6,15 12,30
= net sales price 26,65 53,30
+ VAT 5,33 10,66
=gross sales price 31,89 63,96
+ shipping costs 6,97 13,94
=gross sales price + shipping 38,95 77,90

For the structure of the payment in DFI we came up with following approach:

  1. The basic CFP is accepted where the service gets build up and is publicly available for you.
  2. The CFP for the first 50 Boxes gets approved and we can take requests for 50 boxes, print them according to the orders and ship them.
  3. If the first charge of the 50 boxes is printed and delivered, another CFP will be made and the next DFI for 50 boxes will be transferred.

To sum the calculation up it the overall allocation will be

online printing service 8275 DFI
charges of 50 1947,5 DFI

Please let us know what you think about the system design with its parameters and which approach you would take or if this is exactly what you want for the community and yourselves.

For the people who host their nodes already and photos haven't been published yet. Maybe you want to add them below in the post and give the community further input by adding your personal style.

I added an additional vote below, where you can choose your favourite design of nodes which have already been printed so your can get an impression of the different versions.

We are happy to take your thoughts and ideas about this project and are warmheartedly inviting you to post your comments and feedback below this post. If it gets good feedback I would even consider to open a shop where you can define all the elements of the box, but this fully depends on the response and demand on the market and the improvement of the service as feedback gets delivered.

Ecosystem and sustainabilty

For sustainabilty reasons, there is also a high demand from our planet so from all of us for ecosystem friendly materials to be used for printing.

We do our part for mother earth in using recycled and ecosystem friendly material.In addition to that, a special version will be available in wooden style, where wood filament with bio-organic composition is used for printing.

- 100% natural raw materials- Unique natural appearance- Easily compostable- CO2-neutral

Let us know if this is something you whish to see in your house and you have a place where you can put a wooden box safely according to fire protection laws.

Please add your comments, if this is in general reflects an idea which the community is willing to accept and backup in long term to give a part of the community fund to the printing service, so we can add value in increasing the decentralization and media presence by adding more physical nodes to DeFiChain like you choose to have it.

Best regards and thanks

Michael and Gabriel

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