Friday, August 20, 2021


I’m super bullish on crypto in general but I really like Safemoon because it solves problems that are common with pretty much all crypto currency. Crypto “experts” always throw around words like utility and use cases, usually in conjunction with FUD and 9 times out of 10 the crypto they are shilling has the same problem. Safemoon is also great because it’s not waiting around for someone in retail or industry to adopt it for use, Safemoon whether you want to admit it or not Safemoon's first case for utility is tokenomics, reflections are a legitimate use not to mention all the other use that will be automatically created when the wallet, Exchange,, and Blockchain are online. The use cases for reflections in the financial world are limitless because it can be packaged to be anything from a automatic savings to a 401k. I love the fact that Safemoon works backwards from 1 quadrillion to a number that gets smaller and smaller over time, once again built in token reduction means ever increasing value even now notice when the whales aren’t selling the price goes up. So let’s talk about the whales, for many, Safemoon is an investment the same way we have a retirement account or other common investment.

The actions of the whales are actually necessary now (pre ecosystem launch) because the entire community benefits long term, every single reflection you receive now cost you nothing and should be dollar cost averaged the same way you do if you buy dips.

Many holders like myself initially bought at the all time high but every reflection reduces my overall investment cost (or loss if you want to look at it negatively), either way we should all be happy when the whales sell in the controlled way they have been selling. As you know each sale also reduces their dominance in the future. (this will mean a much more stable coin in the future) Bitcoin, Doge, Etherium, etc will always be able to be able to be manipulated by whales, or at the very least unwanted volatility not something I like to think about as I hold all of them.

I am amazed at the strength of the community our strength is what will propel us through the Pre-Ecosystem Era, it’s important not to let anyone weaken the community it is the foundation of Safemoon, when we let negativity. Elmer FUD, and lack of vision effect us, we are in effect messing up our own investment, so it is imperative to protect what we have by not speaking against it, I’m not saying don’t hold the Safemoon team accountable, I’m saying if you should be a professional when it comes to your money, you will need the practice for the future when our investments change lives.

My final thoughts are to the Safemoon team. Thanks for all you do! In the light of all these hacks lately I’ve been thinking about a security standard for coins and tokens, my idea is to serialize each coin so that in the event of a hack or theft the coins can be “flagged” or even neutralized upon any unauthorized event, they can also be restored upon return, burned, or burned and replaced, Owners still have complete anonymity but there are protections for the asset.

If the crypto community doesn’t solve this problem the regulators will use crypto currency security weaknesses to heavily regulate it or eradicate it all together. But check it, Imagine if you could get you money back if someone ripped you off. I have sent messages to the team haven’t heard back yet, but let me know what you think.

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