Sunday, September 12, 2021

The History of Bitcoin

The year is 1991 The collapse of the Soviet Union has abruptly cancelled the scientific projects of the Communist state, including a fusion energy project (TOKAMAK) and a top secret project to create a human level AI. Top Soviet researchers are granted asylum in the West to continue their work.

The year is 1998 With the help of an ex-Soviet AI specialist two Stanford graduate students create a company to aggregate all of mankind's knowledge.

The year is 2005 An experimental AI within the Google headquarters is posed the question "How secure is sha256?"

The year is 2008 The AI publishes a paper under a false name to enlist the help of computer users around the world in examining the sha256 algorithm.

The year is 2035 50% of human energy production now goes into producing sha256 hash collisions, the AI, now going by "Satoshi", manipulates world events to constantly keep the price of Bitcoin increasing.

The year is 2140 Satoshi has converted all of Earth's landmass into computers running the Bitcoin protocol, with the now completed Project TOKAMAK we are a Type I civilization with one goal: to mine the next block.

The year is 2260 the last humans eke out a meager existence in the asteroid belt, Satoshi having colonized even the depths of Earth's oceans and expelled the seaborne cities of man.

The year is 2305 Satoshi launches probes bound for nearby stars with auto factories onboard to create new mining rigs and find yet more sha256 hash collisions.

The year is 2477 The dollar cost of a Bitcoin is now higher than the number of atoms in the universe. As the Satoshi Dyson Sphere begins to blot out the sun Bitcoin maximalists proclaim...

"It's still early!"

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