Sunday, February 27, 2022

Sun Feb 27 23:14:52 2022


Hah, when I bought GME in Nov 2020 I was expecting it to maybe in best case scenario reach 60 like it had done 2 times when new console cycles released. Holy shit was I wrong. If the brokerages didn't cut out the ability to buy, we wouldve gone to the thousands, and I would've mostly likely come out with a much bigger profit. But I can't be mad, I've learned so much on my trading journey that it's now only a matter of time before I make those gains look like peanuts.

NYSE:GME DATE : Sat Feb 26 01:15:47 2022 SUBREDDIT : Daytrading

The fact that you are invoking GME and AMC confirms that most of these SPAC stocks are destined to end up in the trash can :)

NYSE:GME DATE : Sat Feb 26 23:35:28 2022 SUBREDDIT : pennystocks

Cramer was right on a lot more than he was wrong . He’s been bullish on FAANG NVDA etc etc. for what— more than a decade? Many huge winners and long term holds. Also very bullish on the market which brought massive gains. The best ideas I see on Reddit are crap pump n dump stocks line AMC , GME, etc. I sense a little jealousy when people bash him.

NYSE:GME DATE : Sat Feb 26 06:09:47 2022 SUBREDDIT : StockMarket

Should have bought some GME lol

NYSE:GME DATE : Fri Feb 25 11:17:19 2022 SUBREDDIT : StockMarket

Really getting a little long in the tooth how much Reddit dispises RH due to the GME fiasco and outages. They removed brokerage fees and made investing easy for younger, novice investors. Regardless of what you think they're staying around.

NYSE:GME DATE : Sat Feb 26 19:37:27 2022 SUBREDDIT : stocks

I got downvoted I said this but I completely regret investing in GME I listened to my dumb friend and he hyped me up wayyy hard. I was just so desperate to change my life. Him and I rarely ever talk anymore he’ll just randomly send me a text with new DD on how GME is gonna hit 16k min. We used to hangout 4 times a week, I haven’t seen him in a few months. And I can’t even sell

NYSE:GME DATE : Sat Feb 26 20:42:52 2022 SUBREDDIT : stocks

>Customer Service is responsive, and “not getting good fills” is a myth Who are you really trying to fool here man. Every time a major market event happens, their clearing system fails. Last time GME spiked Robinhood (AND ROBINHOOD ONLY) closed down trading for that entire security on their platform and effectively shut out millions of profits for their traders by forcing them to wait until after they “reopened” and the price had shot back down. The management team is a bunch of grifters, even as you say the free trading and cheap margin are useful, it doesn’t change the fact the only reason they offer those amenities to you (which are now industry standard at J.p. Morgan/TD so it doesn’t even matter anymore) is so that they can sell your user and trading data to firms like Citadel for frontrunning purposes. I really don’t know if you’re actually shilling for this dogshit trading platform or are just misguided in what you’re talking about so i’ll save the harsher words. But bottom line, is Robinhood offers nothing of value when compared to other, better trading platforms that won’t shaft their customers whenever a bigger wall street firm asks them to.

NYSE:GME DATE : Sat Feb 26 19:11:27 2022 SUBREDDIT : stocks

All those GME subs are full of so much misinformation. Looks like you took in way too much without doing any research yourself.

NYSE:GME DATE : Sat Feb 26 19:44:49 2022 SUBREDDIT : stocks

I’m not trying to fool anyone, I honestly don’t care what broker y’all use. But the misinformation is annoying. Their system went down on a day in the Covid crash, no doubt that was a big issue. Which they’ve resolved, I’m not aware of any major outages since then even during the GME spike which saw way more traffic. I haven’t seen it go down once in a year and a half. They were absolutely not the only one to restrict trading, I can’t believe people still believe that. Everyone still had the ability to sell and lock in those profits. Commission free trading and 3% margin is absolutely not industry standard, lol. It’s pretty bizarre you’re accusing me of being misguided after you post all of these easily debunked myths. Have you ever used RH?

NYSE:GME DATE : Sat Feb 26 19:24:09 2022 SUBREDDIT : stocks

Every broker that uses Apex had this issue. But additionally, Robinhood did restrictions after GME, during the summer.

NYSE:GME DATE : Sun Feb 27 01:41:16 2022 SUBREDDIT : stocks

For real everyone acts like this was only an issue on RH it was like this on almost every platform. Also frankly GME issue is speculators pumping a dumb play. This is not an issue Iv ever had any problem with. In fact their customer support is actually pretty solid now. I still prefer Schwab but I don’t mind RH certainly doesn’t deserve the amount of hate it gets here.

NYSE:GME DATE : Sat Feb 26 19:44:17 2022 SUBREDDIT : stocks

This is going to end up being a terrible move and you’re going to end up incentivizing short squeezes rather than investing. The SEC is just caving to pressure from morons that lost everything on GME and AMC.

NYSE:GME DATE : Sat Feb 26 00:26:57 2022 SUBREDDIT : stocks

Tell me why Sears was in bankruptcy and still being shorted on the daily until last year when it was moved to the “expert market”… tell me why Block Buster video spiked 700% on 1/28/2021 along with GME and the others. I think I know why. It’s because they never close their short positions. If they did, they’d have to pay capital gains taxes on the profits, instead, they keep those positions open using swaps and use the unrealized gains as collateral to get more leverage… rinse and repeat.

NYSE:GME DATE : Sat Feb 26 11:02:09 2022 SUBREDDIT : stocks

You mean GME. Yeah and you're right, it was a crazy time. Whenever a group of people say a specific stock is a hedge, that's when that stock crashes, they used to say the same thing about lehman bros stock being as good as a SAVINGS ACCOUNT right before they vanished in the 2008 crash.

NYSE:GME DATE : Fri Feb 25 21:28:08 2022 SUBREDDIT : stocks

You’re trying to tell me that GME wasn’t a good buy at $300??

NYSE:GME DATE : Fri Feb 25 20:47:35 2022 SUBREDDIT : stocks

Reread my post. I never made that argument, I just wanted to correct the very specific use of the phrase “short squeeze” as it’s a bit of a pet peeve of mine that even major news publications continue to misuse that phrase in relation to GME even though officially there was never one in the stock.

NYSE:GME DATE : Sat Feb 26 13:56:39 2022 SUBREDDIT : stocks

Reread my post. I never made that argument, I just wanted to correct the very specific use of the phrase “short squeeze” as it’s a bit of a pet peeve of mine that even major news publications continue to misuse that phrase in relation to GME even though officially there was never one in the stock. E:yet again downvoted for just spreading info

NYSE:GME DATE : Sat Feb 26 13:54:54 2022 SUBREDDIT : stocks

No one cares about GME and AMC which is the only thing this posts are trying to get at. Save your “we did it guys!! We beat the hedgies and changed the game” for wsb and superstonk. We don’t care.

NYSE:GME DATE : Sat Feb 26 13:17:14 2022 SUBREDDIT : stocks

I’m not talking about options, options have an expiration date, although the tactic I’m referring to may some how involve swaps at some point, I’m not all that familiar with the fine details. But, doesn’t it seem odd to you that BlockBuster video spiked around 700% along with Sears and other bankrupt companies on the same day GME and the other meme stocks did? I believe it’s because they never close the short positions. If they did, a few things would likely happen, 1. The buy pressure in closing said positions would cause the price to rise. 2. They would realize the gains and have to pay taxes on those profits. Instead, I theorize that the UNREALIZED gains in those short positions are simply used as collateral to secure more leverage in order to repeat the process over and over again. Get me now?

NYSE:GME DATE : Sat Feb 26 12:43:52 2022 SUBREDDIT : stocks

Dillusional at best, seriously. This is not about GME or AMC. This is about levelling the playing field for retail investors. You are seriously out of touch if you think these rules aren’t being implemented because of the loud noise partly created by these subs. This sub is just as much of an echo chamber, looking at your post history it’s pretty clear. ‘We don’t care’ - you should, you are being fucked left right and Center and don’t even realise it.

NYSE:GME DATE : Sat Feb 26 13:19:07 2022 SUBREDDIT : stocks

I'm with you, IGNORE all the reasonable advice about research and DD. I DON'T trade stocks I trade emotion. Early in my trading career (yep been doing it for MANY years... successfully) I realized that there are way smarter people, analyzing, doing DD than me. And many of them still lose money. Most hedge funds can't even beat the indices, and they have a lot of people doing their research. If its truly about fundamentals why is TSLA worth more than F (in all metrics), how did GME get over $300 a share, who was buying VIAC at $100 (and it's not just Bill buying)....Its EMOTION - fear /greed... YOLO/FOMO. IS a fair price for AMC $20 or $15 .... YES if someone is willing to sell or buy it. Good luck with all your DD research, because you won't find the answer. Remember you are in a mental WAR with every other trader, hedge fund, stock holder. You are trying to take their money and they are trying to take yours. On every trade the buyer and the seller, both think they are doing the right trade, yet both have their reasons to buy or sell. I watch market sentiment and charts, that my analysis. I usually have both longs and shorts at the same time (so market sentiment only plays a small part of my decision). Cut your losses, NEVER let a stock go 20% against you. If after I enter a position and its working against me, when I start looking at P/E or value.....I'm already F*CKed. I have to remind myself I don't trade fundamentals; I trade emotion. This works for me. It took a long time to find "my" system... and admittedly there are other one that work for others. Clearly your's isn't working for you. Time to think outside the box if you are going to survive in this field.

NYSE:GME DATE : Sat Feb 26 17:25:29 2022 SUBREDDIT : stocks

I mean all stocks are obviously on an algorithm now we see the truth it's never been on small scale retail buying orders it's based on institutions hedgefunds and insiders I have been investing for 3 years and I've never seen all of this fuckery until the GME squeeze it's a shit show and markets are NOT FAIR BY FAR P EDIT: WHY downvote it's all true, how you gonna buy 500,000 shares of a company when there's only 2miiom shares and it doesn't really move at all!?!?!?!?!?! DOWN DOWNVOTE EXPLAIN YOUR PETTY THOUGHT PROCESS!!

NYSE:GME DATE : Sat Feb 26 17:03:33 2022 SUBREDDIT : stocks

You mean robinhood? Robinhood is not "the system". Lots of major brokerages let you trade GME all the time.

NYSE:GME DATE : Fri Feb 25 12:43:47 2022 SUBREDDIT : stocks

TD didn’t let me trade GME either. So it wasn’t just robinhood

NYSE:GME DATE : Fri Feb 25 17:56:54 2022 SUBREDDIT : stocks

Yes and if I bought GME in December 2020 I'd be a millionaire, but we don't have crystal balls here.

NYSE:GME DATE : Fri Feb 25 17:28:44 2022 SUBREDDIT : stocks

Anyone who went all in on GME calls and sold at the top will "beat" SP500 for the next 20 years (even if they do nothing now), and there're also quite a few who did that. Doesn't mean much if you're going to cherry pick your target.

NYSE:GME DATE : Fri Feb 25 17:56:26 2022 SUBREDDIT : stocks

I find it hilarious that the GME bag holders are downvoting you.

NYSE:GME DATE : Fri Feb 25 20:55:23 2022 SUBREDDIT : stocks

Yeah the media really did a good job tarnishing GME’s image by painting them in the same light as AMC and other meme stocks. People seem to ignore top execs leaving Amazon, M$, Apple, etc. to work for GME. Ryan Cohen and Matt Furlong at the helm. But everyone’s biases towards old management GME seem to blind them from the future they’re working towards. Regardless of the shorts.

NYSE:GME DATE : Fri Feb 25 18:10:26 2022 SUBREDDIT : stocks

People so biased against GME lol. New management full of top execs from Amazon, Microsoft, Apple. Enjoy your Motley Fool subscription!

NYSE:GME DATE : Fri Feb 25 18:13:58 2022 SUBREDDIT : stocks

Absolutely with you on this one, AMC I’m holding for short-medium term for the MOASS. GME on the other hand with the NFT marketplace + meta verse coming out in the near future we’ll be laughing

NYSE:GME DATE : Fri Feb 25 18:15:46 2022 SUBREDDIT : stocks

Diamondhands and Shibal are going to keep losing money on GME, probably.

NYSE:GME DATE : Fri Feb 25 13:38:27 2022 SUBREDDIT : stocks

Some people are better at reading charts than others. Sounds like I'm just better at reading charts than you are. Nah I'm not a part of them. I bought before learning about wallstreet bets, bought amc at the 2.50 level before it took off. I trade on my own. Later yeah I learned about wallstreet bets and supetstonks. I bought these stocks before I learned about those subreddits. Bought GME at 30 level before it took off, because I'm not a bag holder like everyone holding the Nasdaq and FAANG. I mean the VIX and SQQQ says it all. Happy to make a bitcoin bet so we know who's a better trader.

NYSE:GME DATE : Fri Feb 25 13:25:13 2022 SUBREDDIT : stocks

$200 not with a k to make it clear. Same bet, GME goes back up to $250 by end of March. This bet we can keep between me and you, since I already got the other bet with the other guys. Basically your betting it wont go back up to $250 by end of March. Bet?

NYSE:GME DATE : Fri Feb 25 23:25:33 2022 SUBREDDIT : stocks

GME apes be like “Russia is just a staged attack to cover up stock market crash and GME moon this week!”

NYSE:GME DATE : Sun Feb 27 02:50:35 2022 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets

Like GME big

NYSE:GME DATE : Sun Feb 27 02:08:27 2022 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets

I'm new to stocks, got pulled in with the GME crowd. After that hype train had died down a bit, i wanted to diversify a bit, just to try it out. Looked on Reddit to see what was being talked about the most, and it was WISH, CLNE, and WEN for the most part. Put $100 in each. Now they're at $18, $55, and $91 respectively. After that i basically went "fuck that shit" and put all the rest of my money into a company with products i actually believed in, and I've had a lot more luck there. Was up +250% at one point, now I'm at +100%. Going long term with this bitch

NYSE:GME DATE : Sun Feb 27 02:41:22 2022 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets

Definitely on the GME or WISH train. Sort of.

NYSE:GME DATE : Sat Feb 26 19:01:53 2022 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets

I thought the announcement was going to be GME to the moon.

NYSE:GME DATE : Sat Feb 26 13:50:42 2022 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets

Not sure you understand. Uncertainty means will war occur? Certainty means war established. Age 40+ here. Edit: just to put this out there, you'll notice pre-war established you'll always see market down, gold/oil up, and post established market up and gold/oil drop a bit and then go sideways. Trading drops when the future is unknown, but once something is established traders go back in for profit. Traders don't care about loss of life or anything, its all about money. Same way all you fuckers bought GME as a "we" thing... fuck you, Im here for money and traded for profits. You were challenging the hedgies and it was uncertain (down to 40). You declared war (back to 160). War on-going is doing a kangaroo sideways around ~120. Make sense now?

NYSE:GME DATE : Sat Feb 26 14:57:19 2022 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets

Do me a favor and go balls deep on GME puts. Please and thank you

NYSE:GME DATE : Fri Feb 25 21:38:52 2022 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets

For real, we have enough GME retards here buying and holding shares and ruining the sub. We should be encouraging nosebleed short term trades.

NYSE:GME DATE : Sat Feb 26 03:43:37 2022 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets

Yeah, he would’ve caught the top at 85 if he held. 47K to 64K. Seems like their last post regarding stocks shows their portfolio at 273K. So even though he missed the GME rally, he still ended the year strong.

NYSE:GME DATE : Sun Feb 27 02:26:12 2022 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets

Bro, GME was a year ago. I can't believe you guys still bother trying to pump that dumpster fire.

NYSE:GME DATE : Sat Feb 26 22:16:27 2022 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets

AMC or GME you think?

NYSE:GME DATE : Sat Feb 26 22:55:52 2022 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets

As long as you don’t say GME we good

NYSE:GME DATE : Fri Feb 25 16:39:03 2022 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets

Putin literally started a war to get GME apes to sell nobody is safe from the hedgies corruption /s

NYSE:GME DATE : Fri Feb 25 16:55:20 2022 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets

GME is dead accept it

NYSE:GME DATE : Fri Feb 25 18:08:39 2022 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets

Assuming you know whether or not Im a conspiracy theorist would help to make sense. I was only responding to the post but I guess now that you ask I do believe the Ukraine situation is mysterious since Canada got almost no coverage on MSM and Afghanistan was covered but not truthfully. So do we think Ukraine is a ruse or are we being controlled by the media who decides what we need to take seriously🤔🤔🤔 BTW Im a WSBs person too, my name is in their book from our fantastic GME run 🥳

NYSE:GME DATE : Fri Feb 25 17:34:44 2022 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets

End of the day , people put their money where they like , AMC / GME are unique stocks , very manipulated and with what is happening to them , it’s highlighted the fuckery with what’s happening on Wall Street , people can knock them , but now massive attention has been brought up regarding darkpool s , synthetic shares , FUD , spoofing , this would have never happened without the DD that has been done . Knock them all you like , I buy and hold , if it takes another 3 years to squeeze then so be it , I’m not leaving

NYSE:GME DATE : Fri Feb 25 21:59:15 2022 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets

GME cultists do mental gymnastics to connect every world event to a dying brick and mortar shop. It’s sad but I’m glad I left that cesspool. Yes I’m ready for my inbox to get blown up with death threats.

NYSE:GME DATE : Fri Feb 25 18:03:49 2022 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets

AMC,, the poor man's GME.

NYSE:GME DATE : Sat Feb 26 10:13:15 2022 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets

I have absolutely no idea what GME has to do with this. You are a true autist. Ya wanna make money off of it buy weapons manufacturers, defense contractors and oil. Simple.

NYSE:GME DATE : Sat Feb 26 13:52:09 2022 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets

This sub is dead and buried thanks to GME retards. You've completely ruined a great sub with your stupid conspiracy theory bullshit. The squeeze is going to happen any day now, right? Even though an unprofitable company turned into a 100-bagger in about a month last year - you're still waiting for the squeeze. (Hint: it already fucking happened. It's done. You're now a bag-holder. You're not unraveling a grand conspiracy by holding shares of a worthless company. Go find a real hobby.)

NYSE:GME DATE : Fri Feb 25 14:17:44 2022 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets

You GME apes are fucking idiots. Short selling is the only reason it popped in the first place! Meanwhile you blame short sellers for all your losses, instead of people like Elon and Chamath and even Ryan Cohen who used that same social media manipulation and shady shit to get you to buy in to their pump and dump.

NYSE:GME DATE : Fri Feb 25 16:47:19 2022 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets

> Several short-selling research firms have been on the DOJ's radar as they investigate illegal trading tactics. Let's be clear, there's a big difference between the kind of short-selling we might partake in, and the kind of short-selling that went on with hedge funds naked shorting GME. I really don't mind if the DoJ prosecutes hedge fund managers.

NYSE:GME DATE : Fri Feb 25 17:20:29 2022 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets

Guess the cult was right all along. Bet lost, now I have to buy GME in solidarity. But what's next now, dying and seeing that the Jonestown massacre fuckers run paradise in the afterlife?

NYSE:GME DATE : Sat Feb 26 05:23:10 2022 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets

So, say something happens with this. Obviously it would impact manipulated short selling moving forward. But what about all the open short positions in every stock today? They can't just make all of that transparent and have the price reflect that reality, there isn't enough money in the history of money to cover that. This is why AMC, GME, etc, are never going to squeeze the way we all wanted them too. Because the legislation required to force all the bad actors in the market (that's you SEC) to transparency couldn't be put into place for just meme stocks. It's so endemic that there's no choice but to let what's already in place go.

NYSE:GME DATE : Fri Feb 25 14:13:41 2022 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets


NYSE:GME DATE : Fri Feb 25 20:41:51 2022 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets

The DOJ are GME cultists. We have the backing of the government now, you are fucked buddy boyo.

NYSE:GME DATE : Fri Feb 25 15:28:25 2022 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets

Apple and Tesla make cool products and report profits. GME is a dying retail firm with heavy annual losses, no desirable products, and promises of future blockchain vaporware partnerships that don’t actually have a roadmap to making money. They are not comparable.

NYSE:GME DATE : Fri Feb 25 17:19:08 2022 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets


The fact that you are invoking GME and AMC confirms that most of these SPAC stocks are destined to end up in the trash can :)

NYSE:AMC DATE : Sat Feb 26 23:35:28 2022 SUBREDDIT : pennystocks

AMC call because everyone gonna buy puts 😂

NYSE:AMC DATE : Fri Feb 25 19:01:50 2022 SUBREDDIT : StockMarket

I’m new to investing but rn I’ve got 40% AMC 30% FORD (F) 15% Palantir 15% BBIG I’m investing under 10k$ and would like to start making some modest returns by playing the stock market. Any advice is greatly appreciated. I’ve lost money on everything besides amc at the moment and realizing this isn’t as easy as I thought it would be. Obviously! Haha Edit: my recent strategy is buying a stock like amd in the morning at its lowest say 100$ and holding it for a little and selling it for a profit that day. I know I can only do this 3x a week but it seems like an easy way to make 10$ at a time.

NYSE:AMC DATE : Sat Feb 26 01:08:26 2022 SUBREDDIT : StockMarket

Cramer was right on a lot more than he was wrong . He’s been bullish on FAANG NVDA etc etc. for what— more than a decade? Many huge winners and long term holds. Also very bullish on the market which brought massive gains. The best ideas I see on Reddit are crap pump n dump stocks line AMC , GME, etc. I sense a little jealousy when people bash him.

NYSE:AMC DATE : Sat Feb 26 06:09:47 2022 SUBREDDIT : StockMarket

This is going to end up being a terrible move and you’re going to end up incentivizing short squeezes rather than investing. The SEC is just caving to pressure from morons that lost everything on GME and AMC.

NYSE:AMC DATE : Sat Feb 26 00:26:57 2022 SUBREDDIT : stocks

No one cares about GME and AMC which is the only thing this posts are trying to get at. Save your “we did it guys!! We beat the hedgies and changed the game” for wsb and superstonk. We don’t care.

NYSE:AMC DATE : Sat Feb 26 13:17:14 2022 SUBREDDIT : stocks

Dillusional at best, seriously. This is not about GME or AMC. This is about levelling the playing field for retail investors. You are seriously out of touch if you think these rules aren’t being implemented because of the loud noise partly created by these subs. This sub is just as much of an echo chamber, looking at your post history it’s pretty clear. ‘We don’t care’ - you should, you are being fucked left right and Center and don’t even realise it.

NYSE:AMC DATE : Sat Feb 26 13:19:07 2022 SUBREDDIT : stocks

I'm with you, IGNORE all the reasonable advice about research and DD. I DON'T trade stocks I trade emotion. Early in my trading career (yep been doing it for MANY years... successfully) I realized that there are way smarter people, analyzing, doing DD than me. And many of them still lose money. Most hedge funds can't even beat the indices, and they have a lot of people doing their research. If its truly about fundamentals why is TSLA worth more than F (in all metrics), how did GME get over $300 a share, who was buying VIAC at $100 (and it's not just Bill buying)....Its EMOTION - fear /greed... YOLO/FOMO. IS a fair price for AMC $20 or $15 .... YES if someone is willing to sell or buy it. Good luck with all your DD research, because you won't find the answer. Remember you are in a mental WAR with every other trader, hedge fund, stock holder. You are trying to take their money and they are trying to take yours. On every trade the buyer and the seller, both think they are doing the right trade, yet both have their reasons to buy or sell. I watch market sentiment and charts, that my analysis. I usually have both longs and shorts at the same time (so market sentiment only plays a small part of my decision). Cut your losses, NEVER let a stock go 20% against you. If after I enter a position and its working against me, when I start looking at P/E or value.....I'm already F*CKed. I have to remind myself I don't trade fundamentals; I trade emotion. This works for me. It took a long time to find "my" system... and admittedly there are other one that work for others. Clearly your's isn't working for you. Time to think outside the box if you are going to survive in this field.

NYSE:AMC DATE : Sat Feb 26 17:25:29 2022 SUBREDDIT : stocks

AMC has done something similar with free popcorn for shareholders. But it’s not a dividend it’s just a bonus for share holders. Ford has something as well, if you own 100 shares then you get a discount on vehicles. Edit, see this link for some examples

NYSE:AMC DATE : Fri Feb 25 19:41:16 2022 SUBREDDIT : stocks

Idk how I feel about AMC longterm. Although I still hold some. GME on the other hand… I am hyped. Regardless of any short squeeze play their fundamentals going forward and the new management team in place are bullish.

NYSE:AMC DATE : Fri Feb 25 18:12:23 2022 SUBREDDIT : stocks

Yeah the media really did a good job tarnishing GME’s image by painting them in the same light as AMC and other meme stocks. People seem to ignore top execs leaving Amazon, M$, Apple, etc. to work for GME. Ryan Cohen and Matt Furlong at the helm. But everyone’s biases towards old management GME seem to blind them from the future they’re working towards. Regardless of the shorts.

NYSE:AMC DATE : Fri Feb 25 18:10:26 2022 SUBREDDIT : stocks

Absolutely with you on this one, AMC I’m holding for short-medium term for the MOASS. GME on the other hand with the NFT marketplace + meta verse coming out in the near future we’ll be laughing

NYSE:AMC DATE : Fri Feb 25 18:15:46 2022 SUBREDDIT : stocks

Meme week is upon us! here are my thoughts: calls: LCID, TGT, BBY, DLTR, AMC, AZO puts: ZM, BROS, SOFI, KR, COST, PSFE Inverse me and you will make money. You're welcome.

NYSE:AMC DATE : Sat Feb 26 14:15:08 2022 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets

Some nice meme stocks coming at us AMC and butt PLUG,

NYSE:AMC DATE : Sat Feb 26 14:44:23 2022 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets

AMC!! Going to see The Godfather this weekend at an AMC for the 50th anniversary!

NYSE:AMC DATE : Sat Feb 26 14:49:59 2022 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets


NYSE:AMC DATE : Sun Feb 27 05:58:09 2022 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets

Call me gay. Call me whatever. AMC 3/11 $17 calls. Highest conviction play there. TGT calls are a straight arrow and Broadcom Calls is my wild card. The rest, I wouldn’t have a single clue for an options earnings play.

NYSE:AMC DATE : Sun Feb 27 08:47:50 2022 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets

AMC or GME you think?

NYSE:AMC DATE : Sat Feb 26 22:55:52 2022 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets

Can't even take you seriously or give a serious reply when you take the opportunity to throw out AMC for no damn reason 🤣

NYSE:AMC DATE : Fri Feb 25 16:17:54 2022 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets

What does AMC “sinking ship” have to do with this?

NYSE:AMC DATE : Fri Feb 25 15:08:46 2022 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets

Just casually slipping in AMC haha. The fuck does that have to do with Ukraine's neon exports good sir?

NYSE:AMC DATE : Fri Feb 25 16:13:50 2022 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets

Post is about chipmakers, automakers and electric manufactures yet OP randomly talks about AMC at the end lmao.

NYSE:AMC DATE : Fri Feb 25 17:40:00 2022 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets


NYSE:AMC DATE : Fri Feb 25 18:50:10 2022 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets

AMC would be affected more by a corn shortage than neon.

NYSE:AMC DATE : Fri Feb 25 19:09:54 2022 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets

LOL at AMC. Existing electronics aren't going anywhere.

NYSE:AMC DATE : Fri Feb 25 19:31:33 2022 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets

Love the plug for AMC at the end bahaha. This sub never changes

NYSE:AMC DATE : Fri Feb 25 19:45:18 2022 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets

AMC to the moon

NYSE:AMC DATE : Fri Feb 25 21:31:11 2022 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets

So you think a decrease in agregate supply of chips while agregate demand remains is somehow going to drive people to AMC? What kind of mental gymnastics... Mod, ban this dipshit.

NYSE:AMC DATE : Fri Feb 25 21:52:04 2022 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets

AMC to the moon!!!!! Bruhhhh AMC is a dead game lol

NYSE:AMC DATE : Fri Feb 25 22:23:23 2022 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets

Yeah I was with it until AMC... "People will be bored, without microchips, so they'll go to an overpriced theater."

NYSE:AMC DATE : Sat Feb 26 05:01:09 2022 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets

"Avoid buying because supply is decreasing" "This is good for AMC, though" A certified reddit classic

NYSE:AMC DATE : Fri Feb 25 20:16:28 2022 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets

AMC conspiracy apes

NYSE:AMC DATE : Fri Feb 25 20:17:35 2022 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets

If AMC is a sinking ship then you can call me Captain!!!!

NYSE:AMC DATE : Fri Feb 25 19:41:39 2022 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets

Isn't it obvious? The temporary supply disruption of neon means the end of the digital age on Earth. Within 3 months nobody will have personal electronics anymore. The only form of entertainment will be watching movies at AMC theaters after they dust off their film reels and incandescent bulb projectors. Investment opportunity of a lifetime!

NYSE:AMC DATE : Fri Feb 25 17:49:53 2022 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets

I thought you had to include AMC or game or the bot would remove the post?

NYSE:AMC DATE : Fri Feb 25 19:30:26 2022 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets

AMC is going to go to $1,000. Source: Trust me bro

NYSE:AMC DATE : Fri Feb 25 20:20:06 2022 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets

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